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Ashton Bishop

A TBI survivor Ashton Bishop who was closely related to his bussiness math teacher during high school, at Sulphur High in Louisiana, because of all the pressure that was on my back with the seizures that I was dealing with then. It bothered me to death knowing that I would possibly have to take this midication for the rest of my life. Therefore, I did a lot of research on my own and learned how a survivor can use this course, live healthy, and exercise the mind to cure this sickness. The poem that I made up and wrote to my teacher Pat Spire during the Christmas season of 1997 was written out as:

Hello, sweetheart Spire what is going on in your neighborhood this holiday season
After recollecting all the memorable moments we had together I should have all the reasons
After all you taught me business math
Which I am sure that I will use as i head down that adventurous path.
Indeed all students should know that,
But do they know how to get that precious Pat?

There is lots of detail events that I could unfold behind this letter, although that would take an enormous amount of time. However, feel free to contact this school and they will provide you with everything that you can think about. Also if you write them ask for "John the Great" who was the best man of them all at times of a struggle.

Ashton Bishop NecieNoel@aol.com