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Caroline "hawklady" Hawkridge

We do have dreams
But when will it happen
That knight in shining armour
To whisk me of my feet

When will it happen
When eyes meet across a crowded room
That magic moment
When hearts beat faster

When will it happen
That romantic evening
A walk along the river
Holding hands

When will it happen
Is there a soul mate
A friend and lover
Somewhere out there

When will it happen
I'm not alone no more
There's someone with me
Close by me

When will it happen
That smile
That hold, We know
Will last a life time

When will it happen
We do have dreams
But there not always there
We do have dreams
Now and again

Caroline Hawkridge

I feel empty inside
Lost who I was
Where has that person gone
All the things I used to do
Gone forever!

Where do I go from here
I feel alone
But I know I'm not
So why do I feel this way

Life isn't fair
We all have to go on
No matter how we feel

There is no future
No dreams to dream
So why!
There is no answer

Caroline Hawkridge

My life is not my own
All I want is my life back
Why can't they leave me alone

My life is not my own
It belongs to someone else
That is how I feel

My life is not my own
My private life is there for everyone to see
That is how I feel

My life is not my own
I want to hide and run away
but I can't
I have my children
Who need me

My life is not my own
I feel as if I have been invaded
It won't go away

My life is not my own
I can't find the answers
Why me!

I want my life back
My life is not my own
How do you cope!

Caroline Hawkridge