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Katie Elder

I couldn't fight it,
I didn't know what it was,
How to fix it,
How to slove it,
How to make it better,
I couldn't fix myself,
All I could do is think of
am I going to be that person again,
It's like being in mourning
When the best part of yourself died,
I became this person,
Who has been lost and confused
Looking for some light at the end of the tunnel,
How are you suppose to find yourself,
When you don't know where to look,
To the past, To the Present, To the Future,
All I've been tring to do is make myself whole,
I have so many pieces,
I don't know how they fit together
I wonder sometimes if I should bury that old person,
I have become,
I had begun ot find the old me,
Then I lost it again,

Katie Elder