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Kristi Hardman

Following the Path of Love
As I see and feel the pain in their eyes
I know they feel the same pain I do.
As we watch our beloved friend lying still
We embrace each other in silence, in love and in prayer.

No words needed to be spoken last night
Just for him to know how much we cared.
There were cries of confusion. Cries of desperation. Cries of helplessness.
Visions of courage, bravery and heroism
while trembling hands did clutch
All emotions overwhelming them.

As I see and feel the pain in their eyes
I know they feel the same pain I do
As we watch our belived friend lying still
We embrace each other in silence, in love and in prayer.

We are his family.
Though not by blood.
But through love, admiration and life experiences.
We are his family.

We are his friends who are willing to sacrifice anything
for the life of this gentle spirited man.
A man we are honoured to call "friend".

As I see and feel the pain in their eyes
I know they feel the same pain I do
As we watch our beloved friend lying still
We embrace each other in silence, in love and in prayer.

Now how do we just wait and see when life for us is standing still?
All of our lives so unpredictable from day to day
With no map to guide the way.
So many paths for us to choose
and which shall we choose today?

As I see and feel the pain in their eyes
I know they feel the same pain I do
As we watch our beloved friend lying still
We embrace each other in silence, in love and in prayer.

There are so many unanswered questions
The hardest of which begin with "What if..." and "Why?"
Some believe it was an act of a higher power.
Others believe it was fate.
Unanswered questions impulsively penetrating our souls.

Although there are many elements to question,
Our love for each other will always guide us through.
And when I have feelings of loneliness and despair
I just need to remember...

As I see and feel the pain in their eyes
I know they feel the same pain I do
As we watch our beloved friend lying still
We embrace each other in silence, in love and in prayer.

Dedicate to my dear friend Vytas "Al" Tranelis
By Kristi Hardman
May 30, 1999

My Angel
How many angels are there on earth
and how many more await us in heaven?

When all hope seems to be gone
my angel comes to my side.
With golden wings she flies
to comfort and to protect me.
She's with me to guide me
and teach me the ways of the heavens.
She surrounds me with spirituality, compassion and loyalty.
She inspires me as I remain focussed
on love, honesty and empowerment.
She listens to my prayers.

I feel strong with my angel.
I have no fear. I am not tired.
My angel brings me hope.
My angel sings her sweet melodies to calm me.
I survive on one of life's simplest treasures "love".

When I've been lost, she has come to save me.
She relieves me from my pain
while I tenderly care for another.
When times are challenging
I feel as though I'm riding on her wings
and I only experience what she knows I can endure.

My angel will always protect me
and one day she will fly me home to the heavens.
And there, I too shall be given golden wings
and become a protector and healer
of those who I have loved in this life.

Dedicate to my dear friend Vytas "Al" Tranelis
By Kristi Hardman
June 12, 1999