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Mary "Quaszar100" Dullinger

Mary D's Night Before Christmas
'Twas the night before Christmas,
and all through the house,
not a creature was stirring, except for the mouse.
the children were tucked in their beds with care.
in hopes that UPS would soon be there,
for the children knew that Santa was wise,
and that he would devise,
a way to alleviate the stress upon his best
helpers, the elves and the raindeer so dear.
they have stood the test,
so e-bay and amazon.com he would access,
he would download the catalogs and order with success,
and with guaranteed delivery to every place on earth, even Kwong
how could he go wrong,
no the raindeer sing a song
of no duress,
no icy roofs, no foggy mess,
and the elves rejoice too,
for they had too much to do,
to realize what they should be celebrate.
And now all the earth rejoices,
and lifts up their voices,
to the birth of a king,
who will ring,
in peace and hope.

Mary Dullinger