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Sharon "shamaz" Ihrig

 Journaling, the Open Window

Cars crash, coma closes the mind,
Coma for weeks then twilight zone takes more.
Journaling becomes a window to my mind.
It opens the world from behind the shut door.
Without purpose is how I felt in this place.
I'm left in limbo, where no one understands me.
Synaptic connections lose the speed at which they operate.
Specialist too intent on giving me treatments,
Please slow down the pace for me to relearn what I had lost,
Because it's going too fast for my healing brain and body.
Journaling is the agent that lets my pent up ideas to be released.
Ideas caught in never , never land allow themselves to be at peace.
Time is a commodity I have struggled with since regaining my voice.
Have we fallen through the cracks,
Because our disability is invisible and things seem to be out of whack.
Please publishers hear my plea, let me be the voices for
The silent epidemic of traumatic brain injury survivors.
Let these informative, knowledge-giving words be a blueprint,
Plus a place medical personnel can realize
That these survivors have thoughts and feelings.