June 5th,2007 Well it's been a long long hard year with alot of ups and downs. This lil lady been keeping us all very very busy. She's doing really well and we are all so very proud of her. She is starting to talk more does simple sentences now like leave me alone, I dont wanna, I'm tellin my mom. She is using whats called a seabo hand splint that is doing great work with her using her right hand now. She is doing some amazing bi-lateral hand work too and is reaching far across her body with that right hand which they said she would never ever do. She's gotten to discover the wonderful world of movies out at the thearter not just on the DVD player at home. She's fallen head over heels for Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom in the Pirates of the Carribean movies. Great taste for someone so young. We've even gotten to go to a red carpet movie premiere down in Detroit to see Corrupted Minds a movie in which her one eye surgeon is main actor in the movie he plays Martin. We (Brooke her aide and best pal Leslye and Me) all dressed up extremely fancy got our hair done and all and went. We had a great time and got pics taken with some of the actors and got autographs too. She got the royal treatment and it was something she really needed since she had only been out the hospital less then a month from having pnumonia. She is doing a great job in her walker as well she has broke the 400 foot mark that was set for her like it was nothing and did a whopping 1200 feet. She even found out she can run which is a hilarious story. She was outside seen this hen turkey with 3 babies and took off on a run after em, well she actually mowed over a baby(didnt hurt it) got ahold of the hen's butt and took some feathers off her. When they caught her she was laughing so hard over it. They sent home the spoils of war so they called em. Three turkey feathers tucked in her ponytail. She was just as proud as could be over them. She's been working on alot of projects that will once again this year go into the county fair. It's one way of getting her to use her right hand without her realizing she is. She is one smart cookie and you have to beat her at her own game. It's just still hard to believe this August 17th will be 9 years post injury and how far she's come with so many doctors telling us all along she cant or wont be able to do this only to acheive the goal they said was so impossible. Just goes to show ya what faith,love,hard work and persistance can do for ya. Yeah we've hit some major rough spots and had alot of tears and even yes put out some blood this past year but its all been so worth ever bit of it and we'd do it all over again. We've even found out she can count and knows colors and can spot simple words in print which is pretty amazing for what they say she is at age wise comepared to her actual age. She finally got off that nasty ground diet and we just have to cut her meat small for her and remind her to chew she does great. She still takes part in the local special olympics and did pretty good this year. She got 5th in the ball throw ( would of done better if she'd of stopped flirting with the hot guys there helping out) and 3rd in her assisted walker race. She even competes during the year in bowling and she got 1st place and a gold medal for it. She is into playing the play station and loves the computer as well. I wish you all much love and will update when I can.
Hugs Kisses and Friendship to you all
Dianna and Brooke
And the winner is Brooke
Update June 2006
WELL all its now going on year 8 of Brookes post injury it will be in August of this year (2006). She has progressed beyond what any of her doctors ever thought she would. She has a new walker called a pacer gait trainer and man can she haul butt in that thing,shes used it in 2 special olympics and placed 1st and 2nd not bad for someone who wasnt supposed to ever move again hey. She rides circles round me likes its nothing now on her bike. She is working on learning to bear her own weight again and her record is 1 min 52 seconds. She is learning to talk again as well and has learned to say OH MA which I now hear all the time and to the amazement of her doctors she can interject what feeling she wants with it as well, fed up with me, a question or even being sarcastic with it as well. She learned to say NO to lol. She has a total of bout 15 words she uses on a daily basis and she keeps adding more when we dont expect it. There have been a few occasions that she has spoken a whole sentence which at the time really blew us all away. She is awaiting on getting all her forms filled out by the doctors to let her do a horse riding program for special needs persons. She really loves being around horses and looks forward to getting to even just pet them or brush them. She still has a long long way to go but we give her all the support and encouragement she needs to get there. She also has a doctor that get this is a actor as well he's in the movie Panic In Detroit (seen at site of same name.) well she has been asked to be an extra in one of the film companies up coming works they are doing. Like I could ever tell her no to that one. Excitement was an understatement when she was asked. She continues to go to a all special needs school year round and is doing really well there and is well loved by everyone there. She is now 11 years old and isnt a little girl anymore she is 5 foot 2 inches tall and 110 pounds. She has the most beautiful hair its waist length now and a very thick dark brown. She has the wonderfully awesome blue eyes to boot too. This past december 15th 2005 she had her 18 surgery to fix her carinofacial work and we hope this will be the last surger she will have to have for a very very long time. The hard part of them is the past 4 surgeries she had we almost lost her. After all of that I've learned to respect life a whole lot more. The biggest and best news is after a over a 7 year fight with the insurance company for auto claim they finally broke down and got us a handicapped van and wow did we get the top of the line we are still in shock over it. NO more having to lift her and risk dropping her which is a huge relief for us all. We now have a 2006 Chevy Express super extended with raised roof and every bell and whistle you can think of to have on one its got it. Even got the lift on it we wanted too. Was so excited to not have to be stuck at home we went and drove around for about 3 hours put about 250 miles on it the day we got it lol. I hope that everyone is doing well and has good health and if not you are in my prayers and thoughts. With all of our love and friendship to everyone.
Dianna and Brooke
Hello all, I've sure missed getting to talk to so many of you. Well Brooke isgoing on year 6 post TBI this August 17,2004 at 12:25pm will mark the date and time.It still seems like yesterday though. We've been very busy over the past year or
two. One big new thing is for xmas 2003 I got the best present I could of everdreamed of. I was asked to go to her school were I was taken into the gym andblindfolded. I could hear when Brooke came in as I could her her vocalizing likecrazy. Well the blindfold was taken off and there in front of my own eyes I watchedmy sweet angel peddle her bike right to me with the biggest grin she could muster.Can you say i bawled like a huge baby. Seems she had been working on learning to dothis by her self for the past year without anyone letting on to me. She is nowstrong enough that once she is on her bike and strapped in she can give her 40 poundbaby sister a ride in the back basket. She can turn the handle and make her selfride in circles which she seems to like to do best. She will ride back and forth butonly if she knows I'm gonna chase her before she smacks into the wall at at theend. What a great feeling to have to run to catch her for the first time since shewas 3 and before her accident. She has a new walker now too which i recommend toanyone who needs one that holds their body weight so they can walk, it's called apacer gait trainer and guess what that lil snot can move that thing too.
She'smoved up from pureed food to just having to have her meat cut small sort of like adiced type. She even got to have her first bite of honest to god pizza in over 5years too. She's even discovered the kids favorite PBJ you cant feed her them fastenough. She's even moved to bout 11 words in her vocaulary that you can understandclearly. We did find out that the area of her brain that controls speech has nodamage to it so we are hoping to get her back into Neurobio feedback therapy sincethey said once they get the large amount of muddled brain signals under control there is noreason she shouldnt regain her speech. Right now we are fighting the ever wonderfulincurance company on that. We've also found out she knows colors and can pick themout correctly too. She can even pick a few words out very simple ones like cat anddog and the like. She's gotten to be a big lil girl for being only 9 now she is 5foot 2 inchs and 80 pounds with them lovely bright blue eyes and dark brown hairthat reaches the middle of her back and is very very thick.
She did however give usall a huge scare a 2 months ago she went in this past feburary and had the surgeryto install a special sling in her right eye to lift the lid so that she can use thateye and not loose her sight in it. Well her body rejected the material used and wefought from feburary to May to stop it but we lost that fight. She went in May 27thand had the material removed well little did we know while doing her normal over night stay in hospital after any surgery she caught strep throat, by thefollowing saturday we had to rush her into ER were we got that news along with hersodium was sky high and her temp too 104.7 she was dehydrated even though she wasstill attempting to drink but she was so sleepy first thing they thought was hershunt thank god it wasnt. WEll into PICU she went were she was put on IVantibiotics and massive amounts of fluids. Along with motrin and tylenol for herhigh fever. Well Sunday started out ok we ended up on the local broadcast ofChildrens Miracle network being interviewed. By sunday middle of the night thoughanother story she threw up and aspirated before anyone could roll or set her up andi was right there she was so litharigic she couldnt turn her head and that did it.Then we had aspiration pnumonia to deal with now and a whole new round of anotherantibiotics added on board. Then to top things off her heart rate started to dropdangerously low and they ordered a STAT echocardiogram done were they found her left side of her heart was working way to hard and they had to put her on a dopamine drip to help her out hence another med and another bag of IV goodies. We ended up staying a whole weekand during all of this had a MAJOR tornado warning go off and we had to head forcover. Seems when it hits the fan it does it all at once and it dont do it half wayit does it all the way. She's now home again thank god and back to her very happyhealthy self, very vocal and full of bunk as we tell her.
She's the happiest lilgirl so everyone tells me. She is entering the local county fair again this year andhas 23 enteries. Last year she won yet another trophy so we gonna cross our fingersshe can do it again sort of love collecting them it makes her so proud of her selfand makes all the works she's got to do on the projects more worth while for her.But even if she dont like the year before its ok we still praise her like theres no tomorrow. OH i forgot one huge thing last summer we took her to the Reniassancefestival were this lil thing got to have a private audiance with the Queen and got aspecial crown pin which she still treasures. She even got pronouced a real princesstalk bout not being able to live with her after that lol. We taking her and thewhole family again this year at the Queens request how can we turn that down youjust cant sides i cant tell her NO. Hugs to all I hope all are doing well and i missyou all take care.
Dianna and Brooke
Well its now 2-2-04 working on 5 years post injury for Brooke as well as herbeing 9 this coming march, and she's improving more and more.She still has that loveof life she had before the accident that just amazes so many as well as inspiresthem. She's now learned to ride a bike(it holds her upright made for specialneeds)that was my christmas gift from her this year, and yes it was the best presenti got. It was the first time in over 5 years that I had to run to catch her and whatan overwhelming yet wonderful feeling. She also actually rode circles round me andround and round she went just laughing. I was lucky to get this all on video, whichmade everyone who's seen it cry. She can do a walker now to its just like the bikesupports her weight, but man can she make that sucker go. She is saying a few wordshere and there and a couple of phrases too which even freeked her doctor out. I wasmessing with her waiting for him to come in I was poking at her plain as anything she say's Leave Me Alone, jaws on the floor all over the place lol...She'sjust been so amazing its beyond anything anyone could of ever or did ever expect.She is also doing bi-lateral hand work too which I understand is very hard to do butshe's doing it. She's very flittery with the guys and learned how to bat them eyes.She also had her 12th surgery which was one to lift her eye lid on the right sidewhich is her bad eye from the accident. So now we got 2 blue eyes looking back atus. She has depth perception for the first time in over 5 years and things arescarying the snot out of her but I hate to say it is kind of funny. She has to getused to the world as we all see it so its like she's seeing the world for the firsttime. She is now on her 3rd wheelchair but we working to be able to get her out ofthat thing. She is working on sitting on a bench and having to pull to stand she hasalot of work to do on holding her own body weight but she can do it for short! sperts at a time. She knows when she's dong something good cause boy does she smilebig. She's also started a new therapy called NeruoBioFeedback its very interestingto see and what the results are they say can happen. They said from the originalEEG that the part of her brain that controls speech,awareness of space time andself had no damage so they say she should be able to regain full speech. So wekeeping our fingers crossed but not gonna try and over expect anything as I dontwant her to reach for a goal that is to far off or to far to obtain, that wouldn'tbe fair or right to her. So for now we just gonna contiue to work on the smallstuff and I guess keep me on my toes. Hugs too you all and we can never never thankyou enough for all your help,hugs,encourgement,not to mention hours of endlesslistening to my cry my eyes out when things got bad. For without you all I dontthink we would be as far as we are today for you all helped me get the strength togive to her to be able to succeed at what she has so far.
Luv to you all
Dianna and Brooke
Dianna your very proud mommy
She is doing better know she has alot of deficits and has to learn everything all over again, it;s just like being a newborn baby all over again.
She tried really hard and refuses to give up on anything she tries. She is now 5 and is a real trooper. We did find out the reason I was getting sick her name is Brianna. We found out 3 days after Brooke came out of her coma. She and her big sister Brittney are the light of Brooke's eyes. She is trying to learn to talk along with the baby. That is our story , the story of a true EARTH ANGEL!!!!!!! the story of a remarkable and loving little girl
the tale of BROOKE KAYLENE STROUD!!!!!!!
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DIANNA J. STROUD proud mother and caregiver 6/17/2000
Email Dianna