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Larry "Lar" Pharr

Sitting here in the glow
Of this my delusion
Why I am, I do not know
I own this confusion

Take away all that is this day
Unfold it, break it, tear it apart
Put it back again another way
Be still be silent my broken heart

Let the sun peak through my window
Casting warmth upon my delusion
Why I am, I so honestly do not know
All I truly own is my confusion

Under the slow fall of night
Light a candle see this face
Alone scared so full of freight
Deep inside my sacred place

Asleep I dream, awake I cry
Asleep I live, awake I die

Larry Pharr

I let it's
It inspiring I
5 ending his
No confusion of
My taken His
Costing He too

I get so damn tired of this
Let it go, nothing to miss
It s all you asked me to do
It was nothing less the you
Inspiring me to find why
I should let myself die.

5 years long was this trial
Ending taken all the while
His decree is what I am
No more or less just man
Confusion is confessed
Of life I am so blessed

My defender He lies within
Taken oath blessed by Him
His defense of my crime
Costing less than a dime
He stands setting me free
To share the wealth of me

Larry Pharr

Gently Shoved
As clear thoughts are regained
Only I thought them, be shamed

What of me was so deafly sold
A secluded heart grew so cold

Faces so kind, turned away from me
Sparing a find, of a me lost to be

That gentle shove alone I needed
Allowing me, a Freedom so deeded

Larry Pharr