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Mark Underfrog Colburn

                 abdominal exercises 
                  "Underfrog's information on
                   "eating clean" ab exercises, machines and instat karma workouts."
                  There are MANY abdominal exercises... crunches, leg raises,
situps, hip thrusts, side bends, weighted situps, crunches with
your legs bent, not bent, straight up in the air, 100's of
different ab machines, 1000's of ab exercises and workouts on
video tapes, 100's of abdominal exercises and machines shown in
infomercials, etc. The list goes on and on. BUT, let me ask you a
question. Why did you come here to find out information about
abdominal exercises? Is it because you want to have a perfect 6
pack? Because you want to get rid of that fat that is on your
stomach so you can have washboard abs? Well, are you ready for the
truth? Here it is... 

                  The truth is, every one of those abdominal exercises that I just
mentioned, plus every ab exercise that I didn't mention, will NOT
help you have a perfect 6 pack. EVERY one of these abdominal
exercises will only help to strengthen and build your ab muscles.
BUT, that won't do a damn thing for you if you have a layer of fat
covering them! You see, no abdominal exercises burn fat. None of
the ones you see in infomercials, none of the machines you see in
your gym, no special ab workouts, and even good old crunches and
situps, none of these abdominal exercises will burn the fat on
your stomach. All they will do is help make your ab muscles
stronger, and help build them. You can make your abs as strong as
you want, and build them as nice as you want for as long as you
want, but as long as you still have fat, even the slightest amount
of fat on your stomach, your abs will not be visible. 

                  Get real dude & dudettes, nothing, I repeat, NOTHING will burn the
fat off of your stomach to let your abs become visible except for
a perfect diet and enough cardio/aerobic work. Most people (maybe
even you) think that the key to getting perfect abs are abdominal
exercises and ab workouts and ab machines. That is 100% bullshit!
The key to getting perfect abs is having a low bodyfat. That is it
right there, if you have a low bodyfat, then you have visible abs.
Maybe your thinking to yourself, "well, my bodyfat isn't that high
and I do all types of the best abdominal exercises everyday, and I
still can't see my abs." Well, all that means is your bodyfat
might be low, but it is not low enough! 

                  You see, you can do every one of the abdominal exercises ever
invented, and you can do them with the best form, with the best
machines, with the best routines for years and years, but if your
diet and cardio/aerobic workout isn't getting rid of the fat, you
will NEVER be able to see your abs! I know what your thinking
right now, "I saw an infomercial or an ad with these guys and
girls with perfect abs doing these ab exercises with these special
machines, they all had great bodies, so their product must work
right? It must be able to burn the fat on my stomach and give me
perfect abs right?" WRONG! If you are thinking that, then you now
know how these people make money. They don't want you to know all
of the stuff that I just told you, because once you know the
truth, you will never buy their useless products, and they won't
make money! (Forget seeking more information about ab workouts
just shut up & train) 

                  So, now you know the big secret and the truth about abdominal
exercises. Before you look to the ab machines and different types
of crunches, look at your diet and your cardio/aerobic workout
because those are the 2 things that will get you perfect abs! 

                  - For more FREE information about weight loss and how to lose
weight and lose fat, click here: consult your local mystical
talking mirror! 

                  - Want to measure your body fat percentage? 

                  forget all those calipers & magic scale crap! 

                  If you wantb to know the truth about what your significant other
will think for reals: Consult a mirrior! 

                  - More FREE information about cardio/aerobic workouts and the most
effective way to do them, repeat over & over the Nike ad's mantra:

                  "JUST DO IT." 

                  The Bentleys mantra: 

                  "GET ER DONE" 

                  Underfrog's instant karma mantras: 



                  "C-A-N'-T IS A 4 LETTER WORD" 

                    "THE ONLY EASY DAY WAS YESTERDAY" 

                  - For more  about diet and nutrition, read this diet info from
Underfrog's instant karma diet plan: "EAT CLEAN" 

                  Questions, comments or feedback? SHUT UP & TRAIN OR CONSULT A



            Copyright © 2001-2006, "Underfrog's intense workout". All Rights Reserved. 

                  DEAD BROWN'S EYEZ!

                  Surfing gently cross your wild Brown eyes,
                  Your undertow was 2 intense,
                  Lost my blue blues skies,
                  It was only for a moment,
                  But I was strangely attracted by your shine,
                  You showed me that one day it will never be our time,
                  You got your groove on off girl,
                  Right straight from my nightmares,
                  It was just 4 a moments dizzy whirl,
                  You messed up my world,
                  Your so-so indifferent way was a trip,
                  You brought the dark clowds in with you girl,
                  Surf's flat across your deep dark Brown quick sand eyes,
                  Your undertow's so intense,
                  You made me lose my blue blues sky,
                  From sitting on that fence,
                  We had our time,
                  Never will I cross in your quick sandy wild Browns again!

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2006 Mark.H. Colburn. 

                  The Quiet Christmas Song!
                  A CHRISTMASS CAROL IN MARCH...

                  Have you ever heard a moth's flapping wings,
                  Or a butterfly sneeze,
                  How about a mocking bird after it sings,
                  You'll strain your ears 4 these things,
                  Because there quiet as a mouse,
                  Quiet as night b 4 Christmas in yer house,
                  Quiet is the raindear standing still,
                  Quiet as his sleigh landing on your roof,
                  Muffled are his orders in the snow,
                  Like Chris Cringel sliding with his bag 2 your fire place,
                  Quiet is a Christmas hug,
                  Quiet is a blinking lightning bug,
                  Your snuggled puppy hiding in your bed.
                  Quiet suicidal squirl crossing the street,
                  Quiet is the mostest biggest hug,
                  Quiet are your Christmas presents under the tree,
                  & the look on your face,
                  Quiet is the stars or darkness softly creeping,
                  Quiet is the moon as your sleeping...

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2006 Mark.H. Colburn. 

"Things Look So Differently "
                  "Things Look So Differently "
                  When everything seems so hopeless & blue,
                  When blind faith 2 fall in actual love,
                  Seems so impossible 2 do,
                  When the girl that I love turns untrue,
                  I just turn & change my point of view,
                  My heart's 2 strong 4 that abuse,
                  This is the way I roll,
                  And how I protect my soul,
                  I just change my point of view,
                  Then things look differently & true,
                  Heed my advice my friend & you'll see,
                  If your ever feeling blue,
                  Just change your point of view,
                  Things will look so differently 4 u 2....

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2006 Mark.H. Colburn. 

Your Brown Eyes Full of Fear!
                  Your Brown Eyes Full of Fear!
                  THIS BROWN EYED GIRL!

                  You got them magic windows baby,
                  Like diamonds the strongest known to man,
                  You got lucky princess & I don't mean maybe,
                  Blue green & violet maybe your wishes,
                  I know that kinda thinkin's like broken dishes,
                  So very fragile not strong & 4 ever like you,
                  Brown is so strong a color,
                  They reflect your soul so true & clear,
                  Christine's got 4 ever without fear,
                  Now you got me in that voodoo trance,
                  Alicia your brown eyes got 2 me,
                  My relatives feel you all the way in France,
                  Such beauty in your multi colored soul,
                  Visible by a lover of a brown eyes girl,
                  Princess of Petoskey ChristineLynn's got them brown eyes,
                  That makes our mortal hearts fly,
                  You got my brown eyes girl,
                  Couldn't make out your soul behind dark windows because of,
                  Your BROWN EYES FULL OF FEAR...

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Brown Music Copyright ©2006 Mark.H. Colburn. 

 Don'T Have To Cry...
                  U Don'T Have To Cry...
                  I FELL IN LOVE WITH U!

                  Dry those eyes my dear,
                  Don't even start with those games,
                  Those same ole he let me down so hard fears,
                  If we just slowed down & took our time,
                  I only believe in the now & no labels,
                  This breakup is harder then last,
                  There is a way you can stop all croc tears,
                  If you would just breakdown & admit,That your in love with me,
                  Say it out loud so the whole world can hear
                  If u believe that our love can be,
                  Just set that piece of your soul free,
                  Your guy friends love when you cry on their shoulders,
                  They always agree as too what a jerk I was,
                  Their just happy like a boulder in their eye,I'm out of their way,
                  Confide in them that just makes their day,
                  Only your love can know the way back 2 me,
                  Admit that you're in love with me,Love is free,
                  Dry those eyes now my dear,
                  U don't have 2 cry,
                  & U DON'T HAVE TO CRY,

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright © Brown music 2006 Mark.H. Colburn. 

Hi Liliane My 17 year old son Aaron met your son Mark at a gym here in Incline Village a few weeks ago. Mark's story did not come up during their time together but Aaron was very impressed with Mark's determination in spite of his injuries. In the past few weeks Aaron has heard bits and pieces of Mark's accident from other people at the gym and remains amazed at what Mark has overcome. Aaron went on the internet to get more information about Mark and one of the links led him to a publisher in England that advertises your book. At this point Aaron asked me to help him get the book and the result was my email to you last night asking if you had a copy for sale. I didn't even think to look at Barnes & Noble. I have ordered the book and wanted to thank you for pointing me in the right direction. Thanks again, Dave Martini.

The Epidemic
                        By M.H. Colburn.

                        I don't feel like myself today. I wonder why? I think I
caught a bug that has been going around. It usually only
infects stone-cold achievers and champions. I'm shaking… I
got cold sweats… Hysteria has set in… I need to be in
the gym. “What do you mean your going to the gym…
Again!?! You trained 4 times this week. What the fuck is
wrong with you?” 

                        This is the typical reaction you get from someone who does
not know why you do what you do. These people don't
understand the bug you've caught, the epidemic that can
spread to anybody who wants to succeed at winning the human
racet. You got bit by the bug… The Training Bug that is.
This physically demanding hobby now turns into a  job that
you know you must go to in order to achieve greatness. 

                        Did you say greatness? You know what? Most dudes would
settle for just looking good, but you need more than that.
You need to be the fucking best you can be to consider
yourself a success. Success… Did you say that? How about
you need to be a bodybuilder that looks bettter then any
"NORM". Confused? I think you know what I mean. Performance
and consistency is the key and you realize that your hard
work will sooner or later pay off (at least for those of us
that have what it takes).

                        You cut out all the bullshit once you step out the door. You
really don't want to hear  thids shit at the gym like the
woman next to you complaining about her boyfriend or the guy
behind you on the ab machine talking about the painful
hemorrhoid he had a week ago. You go in there to lift
weights… To get bigger… To get stronger… To make
yourself look like a freak. You want to be there. You know
that you don't have to be but you want to. 

                        Everybody looks at you as if you don't belong there… “He
is ttrains too much. Why does he go so heavy? 
                        Or work so hard on his cows(calves) & abs?

                        That is disgusting…” Listen, no one asked for your
opinion. Just let me lift  my weights & train and be happy
because it is the smaller things in life that make me
content, things like struggling, climbing, doing oull ups &
dips with weights, walking, talking, eating & drinking or
running even squatting or dead lifting mega pounds for reps.

                        These people wouldn't understand because they never
experienced The Epidemic. These typical  "NORM"snobs go to
the gym two to three times a week, do cardio for about a
half hour then do a total body workout for 15 minutes
thinking that they accomplished something. “I don't want
to get too big because, you know, if I did what you did, I
would be huge.” This coming from a middle-aged dude or gal
that just doesn't care or want to own the same discipline
about training hard. Or, listen to this one, “I got too
big & then got tired of 
                        haveing too many huge muscles.” Your muscles got huge!?!
You just shake your head, laugh, pretend to give a
compliment and then walk away… 

                        So you ask, why don't people understand the addiction and
love of doing what you do? Because they never experienced
the feeling of it. They don't understand what it feels like
to be better than avearge "NORM" or the high that comes with
it and low that happens the next day… You are back to
being yourself, not a winner, but a regular mortal being.
They don't understand what it feels like to be the best for
that one day… You want it back, but unfortunately you
can't explain it to these people because they go home
everyday to their mediocre lives… Because they hate the
way they look and they don't have the discipline to bust
their ass 7 days a week like you do. It is frustrating to

                        Thus they look at you as being different. Yes it is
true--men are from Mars, women are from Venus, and  the
dedicated  human racers are in the black hole. success is
everything to you in a gym. On a run, on a swim, or  on a
bike,  you want to be  the perfect physical specimen. In
life dedicated to training we sweat, breathe heavily, some
of us smell, we grunt and yell (scaring people in the
process). You're focused and disciplined enough to realize
that this is what it takes to become a human race winner. 

                        You got to give a little to get a lot. Fuck that, you got to
give a lot to get a little. You got to give up your late
nights out with your friends, going out and getting
shit-faced, just so you can go to the gym on a Saturday
morning to do legs (who wants to be hung over the day that
you have to squat!?!). Other people's opinions do not matter
to you, just those who notice your dedication & depend on
you for motivation. Because of this, you know there is no
looking back-that it takes the will and the addiction to
train every day and for people to look at you in confused

                        Listen, we are not normal people. We do and think things
that most individuals just don't understand. Getting excited
to go to better ones self is not a normal thing. But when
you get bit by the bug, it is. You know that each day you
train is a step closer to immortality, and one step away
from your mortality and morality (yes, there is no doubt
that we all have a screw loose). You keep saying to
yourself, “One more day, one more rep, 10 more pounds
pushing your self a little further beyond the envelope of 
                        a"norrm".”You better yourself everyday
                         and everyday you train is one step closer to the overall. 

                        No "NORM" understands it… They can't fathom it. It is an
indescribable feeling that makes you feel good (ironic but
true), similar to getting laid for the first time. You know
it feels good, but you don't know why. How long will this
bug last? How long do you strive to be the best is a better
question. Do you have what it takes to better yourself every
day? Remember, a champion is never satisfied. Thus no
aspiring imortal should ever be satisfied. 

                        Always keep in mind that the road to the top is a difficult
one, but remaining at the top of the mountain is the most
difficult. Everybody is gunning for you… Thus they get
addicted. Also, some people, once they reach the top, lose
all interest. That is not a champion, just a has-been who
never was. Take it from me and be forewarned--this epidemic
is not to be taken lightly. It is not for the weak of heart,
but for the passionate and disciplined. Catch it, before it
passes you by and you are left like the other onlookers who
ask themselves, “What is wrong with that guy?”
Nothing… You've caught the bug.


                   Your song of the day 4 u while your away..

                   (*M*)Does anyone know true pastel colors of your eyes,
                   They give the average answer just plain Brown,
                   Standard issue folks tell standard issue lies,
                   your eyes have wild hues,
                   When the sunlght catches them,
                   A hint of green,
                   When I catch u rubbernecking at me,
                   Throw me that blushing smile,
                   Your eyes shaded titanium blue,
                   B4 your morning coffee they grow menacing & dark,
                   (*B*)Have your cookies your eyes change back 2 blue,
                   All your little hairs stand on end when your ready 4 
                   Like a panther ready to pounce,
                   (*C*)When you have cookies with me your eyes cobalt 
                   I drown in your eyes when you do the grunion bounce,
                   So if your told of your Browns lies told 2 u,
                   Only the truely in love can sea ChrystineLynn Brown's 
 soul by,
                   BY STARING DEEP IN BROWN'S EYES..repeats till Brown's 
 eyes change again...

                   Mark.H. Colburn.

                   Copyright ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn.

Happy Birthday Mom
                   Birthdaze are upon us,Nothing we can do,
                  My birthdays only 10 days after yours,
                   There's nothing we can do,Time just won't slow down,
                        For me OR u,
                   Time is a flash of light,There's nothing we can do,
                   Mom you gave up nothing but love,
                   There's something you do,I just drive you crazy,
                   That's something I do,
                        So now I'm trying to return a  little love,
                   Writting these words 4 u,
                   The Beatles said,
                   AND in the end the love we take,
                        Is equal to the love we make,
                   But I say love like a verb,Else love is just a word,
                   I've been all take,That's my mistake,
                   Mom your love has been verbal all along,
                   All I have is this song,To pay your love forward,
                   Mark.H. Colburn.
                  Copyright ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn.

                  No matter how far I have to run,
                   Or how high I have to climb,
                   Insurrmountable imortal armies will fall back with 
                   I will lay waste to the enemys finest warriors,
                   Your worth every stroke of my sword till I'm finally 
                   I'd cast my blues into the windows of your soul,
                   2 reel you back to your home,
                   I'd tread a sharp rocky path with exposed bare feet,
                   2 finally find the way for us again for us to meet,
                   There wouild be no mountain too high,
                   Or no river too deep,
                   No ocean to wide,
                   I feel Strength fom the Gods when you are near,
                   My Achillies heel is exposed when we're apart,
                   I take a piece of you with me wherever I go,
                   With your tender feelings I will never part,
                   for me you're my final chance at true love,
                   I stand by your heart,
                   I WILL ALWAYS STAND BY YOUR HEART..
                              Mark.H. Colburn.
                   Copyright ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn. 

Can'T Put My Finger On It!
Ms. Brown!

                   (*MAIN*) G--A--D--D--A--G->
                   (*M*)I don't know what it is about you,
                   You just have that way,
                   It's just that you make me feel so good,
                   And it just grows stonger every day,
                   (*C*)Can't put my finger on it,
                   But I know it's so real,
                   I'm like a blind man around you,I go by feel,
                   (*M*)Love sure is life's thrillers 2,
                   I sure get a major thrill out of you,
                   Every every little thing you do,
                   (*C*)Can't put my finger on it,
                   U make me feel so good inside,
                   U just have that way you sea,
                   It just keeps growin stronger each day,
                   There is no fear when loving u girl,
                   You just make it roll that way every day,
                       Your my  mystery,
                       Can't put my finger on it....
                   Mark.H. Colburn                   
Copyright ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn 

It's All Good But...

                   That's the way I Rockin roll Your boat Baby!

                   (*MAIN*)C-E-G-F You sure got your groove on & stuff,
                   You can get down pretty freaky,
                       Guess you like it soft & ruff,
                   Yea you sure are a trip,
                   I tend to be kinda sneaky,
                 (*CHORUS*)A-E-G-F-E-D-A twice
                   It's all good but,
                   You'd be great if we were better,
                   I need your dance baby,
                   So be all good,
                   You'll be great even better,
                       You just appeared from outta nowhere,
                   Straight into my heart like an arrow,
                   Alas, that moonlite bay in frisco remember where,
                        It's all good but,
                  It would be great if it was better,
                  I need your dance baby,
                   Yea yea yea it's all good but,
                  You tell me your doin great,
                   I'll feel better...
                Mark.H. Colburn.
 Copyright ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn.

The Goddess Christines Magic Gifts & Ways Should Just Be
Accepted! Your talents are gifts from the Gods,
                  Take them for your destiny,
                  Use them for  goals,
                  They always arrive in the nick of timelys,
                  Sing your songs with my rymes,
                  With the love only you know I know,
                  Gifts from the Grunion Goddess for show,
                  Are few & far between,
                  Only the fates can tell what they mean,
                  Gifts from Goddesses should not be questioned,
                  Just accepted & go,
                  They are your sword & shield,
                  Take them & don't forget one,
                  They are all precious,
                  Handed down magically from the stars to just run man run,

                  The Goddess Christine Lynn Brown is magic & she has that

                  M. H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2005 M. H. Colburn.

u r the most amazing...
Christine what a surprise,
To get those uplifting secret notes fom u,
Grunion even though I know that it''s lies,
About my being most amazing,
It''s not me but it''s all about u,
U just say the right things to make my day,
Everything u do is just right,
That is exactly why my dear I love u,
U r so far away does not even faze me,
Grunion penetrating eyes that r Brownes,
u KNOW THAT I love u 4 the rest of my life,
Chritine it''s not me but u r the most amazing...

For so long we''ve been fooled,
The grown ups had us hide under desks,
Trust there was no trust for us at school,
Now they tell us duck tape will handle destruction,
We can''t believe everything we hear,
It took till I WAS OVER 40 to understand the lies,
All those stories that I held dear,
For so long we had (NO-FEAR),
It was never opensesame & the magic door opens,
Turns out to be another of the grownup''s lies,
Handed down from generation 2 generation,

Grunion Runs Straight Into My Arms!

                   (*Main*) G---C----D---->D---C----G--->

                  (*Break*) AM--- G---->back to main starting with G---)

                  (*Chorus*) D-----C----D----C----> twice 1 after (*M*)

                  & again at end.....)

                   (*Main*)Grunion runs up the beach as part of life,
                  We drive on 2 this happening to escape,
                  At least the grunion gets it right,
                  Those night up theBrown sandy beach high atitude runs,
keeps grunion's bod in tip top shape,

                  (*Chorus*) Does my grunion even know,                   
                                    That I'm her biggest

                  Next time she runs I'll be hiding like a panther,       
crouched in waiting 4,                                  
The grunion's running straight into my arms,

                  (*Main*) Grunion runs beaneath the stars, & the full
         Grunion hides during dawn's sun's blinding
glaring glaze, It's all part of her secret charms,
                  She runs & hides deep under the sea,
                  She stole my breath  away only yeterdaze,


                  Sooooooooooooo far away,

                  Sooooooooooo far away,

                  So farrrrrrrrrrrr away,

                  Too far away,

                  I'm her biggest fan,
                  Next time I'll be in hiding like a panther,
                  In waiting 4,

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn.

Mark's next page of songs/poems