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The planters plant two different seeds in the same ground. They share the same light as well as the same food and the same air though the turbulence in the air may cause them to sway each in a different way; if the ground is strong they each stay. The rain, which falls upon one falls upon the other, yet each drink with a different thrust. Each takes a different form and grows to a different height. Although separate features they have the same ground. They grow to form a beautiful ensemble on the landscape they found as a home.
Mark Schexnayder
The idea for me,
The thing I did see,
Started for me,
At T.L.C.
I did not know,
What caused me to be,
The shell of a person,
I used to be.
I did not speak,
I did not run,
But I did see,
And I did think,
And those things helped,
Me learn to be free.
Talking and running,
Thinking and being,
My mind began to see,
What has happened to me.
Encephalitis, not once but twice,
Kept me from remembring,
Caring and knowing.
I learned to sort out,
My screwed up ideas,
The longer I stayed,
At T.L.C.
Thanks to you all,
For caring for me,
And helping me understand,
What happened to me.
Go With Thought
This brain has wisdom imbedded
This heart is full of care.
I am torn within my heart and my mind.
Let me see thee. Am I one of a kind?
Obey and let it be
Do I want to love ye?
Can this feeling be true?
My season says I cannot have thee
The passion tells me let it be.
Mom and Dad
Mom and Dad were here with me.
What does life have to be?
I like to play every day.
But when mom and dad pass away.
I have to understand
what life is suppose to be.
I need to think as well as see.