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Mike Lynn

Hold My Hand!
When life is unforgiving,
and the world gets you down,
Hold my hand, I am there for you!

If you should fear the dark
and cannot sleep.
Hold my hand, I am there for you!

When your heart is filled with joy,
and it's spilling out all over.
Hold my hand, I am there for you.

When the darkest hour has come,
and you are filled with fear;
Hold my hand, I am there for you.

To: Mary with love,
From: Mike Lynn

A Shooting Star
If I have frightened you,
by telling you, " I Love You."
I wish to apologize!

I have never meant to hurt,
or frighten you, in any kind of way.
My heart feels this each and every day.

So; If I have, please let me know,
and I will tuck that love away,
I will place it in the heavens.

So, you don't have to be afraid,
And when you gaze upon the stars,
In the summers evening sky.

Should you see a shooting star,
You will think of me,
And remember:

That I still love you,
In a way, special to you and I,
So, please remember and think of me.

To: Mary.
FM: Mike,
July 24, 1999