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The Good Comes with The Bad
Samantha "sammer" Fahr
Working together, an innocense is lost, but gained.
Being Good brings out the Bad, as being Bad brings out the Good....
Good supplies a huge amount of innocense.
While Bad, supplies knowledge of trouble to come.
Again, as the two work together, One looses while at the same time, the
other gaines....
When Good is asserted, some Bad must be involved.
Then again when Bad is portrayed, Good must show...
So when being Good, be Bad at being Good.
Innocense is lost....
When being bad, be Good at being Bad.
Innocense is gained....
Providing: The Good Comes with The Bad....
Happiness has Sprung
Samantha "sammer" Fahr
Joy brings a flood of Happiness.
A pleasure unfounded, when moments of life are dry and lonely.
Upon the ending of the dry and loneliness, A supply of Joy is found.
Joy is a filling of needed and wanted pleasures...
Happiness has Sprung
Melting away previously placed ice, cold iciscles,
allows unending amounts of smiles.
Happiness blossoms, with a continuance of the Joy.
A pleasure of Happiness arises flooding out the dry and lonely moments
of life....
New needs and wants are presented, with an unending amount of smiles.
Pleasures have been filled....
Happiness has Sprung
Your Lips
Samantha "sammer" Fahr
Full of soothing, Tenderness.
Spreading a devotion not asked for, yet wanted back.
Providing few moments of sadness, compared to all Joyous times, life has
Your Lips, Capture wants with the needs, You Desire....
Your Lips....
Dancing with words of thought, wise from heart.
Charmed with sensitive feeling.
Rough suppliing tough strength, when demanded.
Only to soon pucker with,
A Full Soothing Tenderness.....
In A Instant
Samantha "sammer" Fahr Daily Thoughts
Although I must go on. My dilemma revolves around and with you though.
The loss of you has been overwhelmingly hard. Life has to go on though. How do I do that?
With the remembrance, I'll always have in storage. Of course those Daily Thoughts will always and Forever be around too......
Samantha "sammer" Fahr
Truly unknown is the knowledge of what to do and how to express your concerns and opinions....
Amazingly the one known treatment to not being Lost, is the most simplest. This treatment is full of much relied upon Patience and a common source of everything else, Time....
Withstanding much Patience and Time, Lost begins to wash away into, Familiar surroundings and frees knowledge again....
Samantha "sammer" Fahr
Captured Dreams
Captured Dreams
Emotionally those Captured Dreams, begin to hurt one. Realizing that there was s
something never accomplished, one begins toward releasing, Captured Dreams....
Captured Dreams
Captured Dreams have been released. One will always feel miserable at times
now. Unknown to that one, The Captured Dreams were held long, so they left
Samantha "sammer" Fahr
I Treasured You
I Treasured You
Daily I looked to you for the Support, I needed. Never once did I have a Worry
or a Fear. Treasuring you is why, I now live by a No fear, No Worry motto,
thanks to you....
I Treasured You
Now your gone, Whom am I now supposed to Treasure. No one, they could
never be you, or provide the Strength and Support that you provided to me....
I Treasured You
Samantha "sammer" Fahr
Devotional Strength
Dedication of being strong and firm,
Dismissing cowardness and providing,
Samantha Fahr
On My Own
Disaster occurs, I am Not On My Own anymore....
A day to day theory was installed, so I could be,
Samantha Fahr
Friend Loss
Suddenly an interruption occurs, you are unable to do as you done before....
Nothing much, that you can do to bring that friend back....
Samantha Fahr
Upon being free, I found you or you found me....
My Savior, was someone whom freed me from all of my worries and fears....
With my Savior by my side, I had a new life to learn about and to live with....
Acceptance was a Grand thing to recieve from my, Savior....
Samantha "sammer" Fahr
A Crushed Release
Samantha "sammer" Fahr
Life Duration
Samantha "sammer" Fahr
So where do we get our REASSURANCE from??
In finding our Soul Mate, we have been Guaranteed a Security of REASSURANCE....
Samantha "sammer" Fahr
Fantasies turned into Realities Upon my struggling, in walked you, a true Fantasy...
Another Fantasy, I needed to turn into Reality...
Long awaiting was the Realities, of my Fantasies...
Turning those Fantasies into Realities, was what you done... Again the true nature of Love, was shown to me...
Understanding simply that, You was a Fantasy turned into Reality...... Many a thanks I give out to a Fantasy that became a Reality....
Whom was my Fantasy, that became my Reality,
Pete Allison.............
Samantha "sammer" Fahr
Do i want to know though...
What good, will it do me...
Will it take the Pain away...
Oh how it hurts, to not have a Memory...
Can I correct the wrongs with it...
Samantha "sammer" Fahr
We had given another, the best we had...
A sacred other was found...
Soon we would be searching again...
Samantha "sammer" Fahr
Another with the same defaults, was never thought about....
Where upon, developing was a much needed Support Output....
Treasuring the Support Output, we all done, so willing....
Samantha "sammer" Fahr
At times, we may be injured more fiercely with it....
With those who are true, they begin anew with theirselves....
Something wee must work on, the Brain Injury is....
Samantha "sammer" Fahr
In time, I would find another Love...
As time passed and My Heart was feeling full, it would only soon be Bruised....
As I searched, I found this to be true...
Samantha "sammer" Fahr
So finally, I have asked for Help....
Again the Help I have searched for is Useless....
So to those whom know me best, I have strived to for Help....
My Asking for Help, has finally Stegthen Me.....
Amazingly My Help Came From Those So Close To Me, Whom Knew Me So Well.....
Samantha "sammer" Fahr
Caring about one, is Precious.
The understanding that follows, becomes a gem.
A rare finding, within a Lover....
In A Instant, all is changed.
A Lover trots forward, providing all these gems.
These gems are not alone, a supply of many
more gems, have yet to come....
This Lover provides, A Love for my face,
the Beauty of my mind, A Treasure is
found within my body, even I did not know
In A Instant....
Please, No rush is wanted, Take your time
and enjoy. Know I am here, In A Instant,
when your ready....
Listening to all the troubles, I am enduring.
Lover absorbs all, insisting I sit back, relax,
with the enjoyment that would follow....
In A Instant, I did what w as asked. Wiping
it all away. i arose, highly spoiled on Lover's
Another of lover's cloud rides', I wanted.
Little resistance was given, another cloud ride
was provided. Upon the ending of this cloud ride,
Sadness begun, more was wanted and needed....
As had been said before, "Know I am here,
available, "In A Instant," when your ready....
Daily, Thoughts of you still course through my mind. Never once have I had a day of complete rest. Without you, I feel incomplete.
Unsure of what to do is a case of being Lost. Is there a cure for being Lost? None other then prior knowledge and information gained from others....
Dreams, are carried throughout one s life. Some dreams are instantly
worked upon. Other dreams, slide away and become Captured Dreams. Likely to
never reach an outside Positive Strength....
You was whom, I treasured. Night and Day, I clung to you, for the very strength
you sported. If ever I had a question or decision to make, you had the answer
A Devotional Strength, is a solid life....
Daily something that one is subjected to do....
Not allowing for someone to deconstruct your pride....
so that nothing brings you down....
The ability to present intelligence and brightness, emotionally....
Devotional Strength.....
June 23,2002
Discovering myself, On My Own, was what I did....
Suddenly I discovered another....
Placing that other with me, was naively done....
Continue on I did....
I did want to be, On My Own,
How could I though.....
On My Own, I could not do, until I discovered me....
Slowly but surly I am discovering me again daily....
On My Own, one day I would do as soon as I could do it....
On My Own again someday soon....
June 23,2002
Making a friend is not easy, but you strive toward that....
A friend you now have Forever....
Friend moves on with their life, leaving you behind....
Friend Loss
Secretly you say, "Goodbye, sorry about your Bad Luck...."
Maybe in the future, you may pass by that friend....
That is when you are able to say, "Look what you missed out on being friends with...."
Friend Loss
June 23,2002
Being free was the only thing on my mind....
A struggle I had seen....
I needed a Savior....
You became my Savior....
Building the foundation of a relationship, is often easy....
The continuance, of building, must be an everyday thing....
When an obstruction arises, Building Stops and A Crushed Release is optional....
Soon that just becomes a Bump in the Road....
Many a Bump in the Road is over looked....
Beginning again, is the Building of that relationship.....
This time, more solidly....
Suddenly a fire has started....
This fire destroys all in its' wake....
For absolute suredness this time, A Crushed Release is the only option....
One day, in the future maybe, just maybe A new foundation can be formed again....
Contentment, and Supportiveness are some of the major Life obstacles we need....
The Realty of these obstacles, are only meant when we find someone else to spend our Life Duration with....
Happiness is provided with the Love that is given to each other....
In their Life Duration....
Contentment is available upon the joy and solidness,
Coming from their Life Duration....
Supportiveness is a given fact, amongst the couple....
Already provided in the Life Duration....
If the Supportiveness was not there, A Life Duration should not have been started....
With each of thes3e obstacles meant, there is just one thing to do before a Life Duration continues....
Accepting the Reality of each other's Love....
A Life Duration, meant with all of these obstacles can be withstood....
All we ever ask for in life, is some REASSURANCE...
Something that guarantees us some Securities....
In this day and time, there is no completeness of that REASSURANCE....
There is only so much that we can do for ourselves....
We can look to friends and family members....
There is nothing that comes from them though....
That becomes our biggest question....
All we can do is continue to look, hope, and pray....
While looking, hoping, and praying, we find our Soul Mates....
All I ever wanted, was a fantasy turned into Reality...
Much of my life, I struggled for that dream...
Oh how it hurts, to not have a memory...
What I wouldn't do to bring it back...
Just to know, what happened...
May be hard and harsh, that Memory...
it may just give an insight on the event...
It would hurt me for life...
Although it already has hurt me...
A pleasure it will not possess...
Nightmares will become ever present...
What good will it do me...
For what has been done, has been done...
Never, the wrongs will always be present...
Nor shall I despair, for I do not have a
Our search is over, We have found each other...
Many a time we looked, never to find...
A lot was wanted from another, Love was what we looked for...
Coldly it was not, Treasured, by another...
Moving on, to find a Sacred other we would...
Bestowed upon them, was our Love...
Stubling along, we did...
For this Sacred other buried the Love, we had given...
All to sudden, we found each other...
Securing, each other with our Love, we did...
Stubborness won out for us though, simply cuz
We're Gonna Be Great Together...
Never realizing, the Help we needed, was our Downfall....
As we went about, our daily usuals, the defaults would either be meant or destrayed....
We would continue to, improve upon those defaults....
Soon another would be found....
Amazingly we had alot of the same defaults....
Welcome was one and all with the same Downfall of defaults....
Beginning anew was each of us....
Finally we could let our Fears be known, and worked upon.....
All in Thanks to our Support Output.....
Brain Injury, what does it mean...
It trully means Pain....
A life structure it may deconstruct....
For a brief time or a long time....
A life disability it may become, We somewhat have the choice....
Allow it to loom or begin anew with it....
This is the decision we have to make....
It is here that we decide, either to allow for it to feast or to move on with it....
Only in those whom are not dedicated and true, is the Brain Injury allowed to demolish them....
Not allowing for it to corrupt our daily Life Activities.....
Filled with much Love was my Heart...
For the Love helped my heart, to feel full...
Soon, that Love would be ripped away...
Slowly, I strived to find, that feeling of full heartedness again...
I found, The Love that would mend my Broken Heart...
Only this time it was unexpected...
Again, I was on a mission, to mend my Bruised Heart...
Mentally Was I, ready for a new Love...
When In Walked You...
Someone who wanted to, Mend A Broken, Bruised Heart....
Asking for Help, I feel so useless....
Without Help though, who would I be....
Not the person I strive to be....
With Help, I will become more fulfilled....
Many unsure disguises stand there....
Passing from to the other the Help, I Ask for....
For with this Help, I will be able to Improve my Life Qualities....
Whom do I recieve my Help from Now....
Those whom best know Help, may be those whom know me....
Oh good gosh, there is some Help Relief....
Asking for the Help I need and want, I have done....
I am now becoming the Person, I have Always Wanted to be....
Help Came from those who knew me, so well....
Traveling Road Out
This peom is dedicated to my former fiance, whom was killed in my (MVA)...
Knowing you so well, You wanted Out of Harms' Way. The Life you had lived was so worn. Daily you asked to find a Traveling Road Out...
Finding the right someon, to try and uncomplicate, some of your life. Was what you had done. As usual, you asked to find a Traveling Road Out...
Hoping to concur and better your life, We tried. Slowly and Surely, although mainly deservingly the sucess was coming to you, Down a new Non-Traveled Road...
Impressively we were moving our life, Down a Newly Non-Traveled Road, when suddenly you turned, finding yourself Traveling Down The Road Out...
Out you went, Not Saying Goodbye!!!!
Samantha Fahr
To Those Who Gave'th
This poem dedicated to those whom helped me get better, including the doctors and all the nurses!!!
Dail providing your Souls, Graces, and Blessings, has worn on you...
Greedily it was and still is feasted Upon...Your Souls were requested upon, to provide for the Blessings and Graces for a Continuance of an Life...
Upon providing, your Blessings, Graces, and Souls, you showed Strength...
Strength was an great providing, for those whom needed for it, to continue through their daily life troubles...
With your Souls, you have provided the Graces and Blessings to help move along, with courage through the day...
In providing your Graces, Blessings, and Souls, you showed Strength...
Strength was an great providing, for those whom needed for it, to continue through their daily life troubles...
With your souls, you have provided the Graces and Blessings to help move along, with courage through the day...
In providing your Graces, Blessings, and Strength, you have made a life...
A structure requiring some needed Work...
Without all of these providings, A Full Continuance would not be possible...
In Continuance of My Life, Each one of you, are thought of Always...
Many Thanks are given to each and everyone of you, whom took care of me, Giving Me Your Blessings, Graces, and Strengths, all of which came through your Souls...
Many Thanks To All Whom Gave'th!!!!
Samantha Fahr
Le Love Carry You
Love will make you, a stronger person...
Love is an Life Lesson, to be learned and cherished...
Rid your Pride...
Allow Love To Carry You Now, Please....
Samantha Fahr
Love is a needed Life Tool...
Holding Love away, will only present a harsh punishment to yourself...
Let Love Carry You....
Allow Yourself to Love and Love Yourself...
Let Love Carry You....
You as a whole person, can be the only person, to allow for others to envision it...
Only you can share and show the Love you have, for yourself...
Let Love Carry You....
Allow for Love to cast itself upon You...
Your bodu and mind, will not allow for the punishment, You are giving it, to continue...
The punishment you give, is to physical to endure, mind wise and body wise...
With Love, you can endure any Life Struggle....