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Allison "Poodie" Barman

This one is about my daughter, Allison "Poodie" Barman. On September 26, 1999, she and three of her friends decided to sneak out and go to a rave and on their way home, the driver fell asleep and hit a tree. Actually, they all had fallen asleep. Allison was in the back seat, behind the driver and the only one to suffer a tbi. She was in I.C.U. for ten weeks, in a coma for most of that time, and suffered other injuries as well. She was 15 years old at the time ~ loved drama and was a cheerleader. She said her first word on New Year's Eve day and from that moment on, slowly came out of her coma. She spent her 16th birthday in the hospital (January 6) and returned home on January 24th.

Now, ten months later, she continues to improve ever so slowly, day by day. She walks with assistance, and would walk just fine with a cane, but she refuses to use a cane. Her short term memory is not the greatest but it is getting better. Her speech is pretty good, but her writing is terrible as she has those intention tremors ~ does that ever go away????? All in all, she is very happy ~ I am the one who is depressed. This has not bothered her much at all.

When we were in the hospital, and the pressure on her brain continued to rise and rise, we knew then that it was going to be a LONG road. But we were NEVER told not to give up hope. We were told that 90% of full recovery depends on the FAMILY, NOT THE DOCTORS!!! And I truly believe this. We never left Allison's side for FOUR months while she was in the hospital and even now her family and friends are with her constantly. She has come a long way.

Email Allison's Mother