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Alrick Williams

God's Miracles

Name: Alrick Williams
What: Brain Aneurysm
Where: Air Port
When: Dec 14, 2001

To prove that God still do Miracles in today s World, I will Share my Testimony telling you now that God His still a Miracles working God even today.I Celebrated my 22 on Dec 09 and on Dec15, 2001 I had a survey Brian Aneurysm meaning that a Blood vessel in the brain erupted. To survive a Brian Aneurysm will determine on a Score with tell how damage the Brian is, Score are 1-5 along with gender, age and Health History..

My Score was a 4:5, they all thought I was dead in the Ambulance because my legs as well as my Body was getting Cold. I remember in the Ambulance looking down on my body and being with my Grandmother Laughing and talking. After a few minutes the impressing she gave me that it wasn t my time, so she told me goodbye and that when I got at the Hospital I coughed and they replied He s not dead, so they quickly rushed me up to Surgery.

The Doctor explained to my family that it s really bad, so we have do a new procedure that called Kipling and Coiling from the groin to the Brian. He also informed them what the results maybe. A 50/50 Chance for them to Survive or even to walk/talk or even function normally.But that was when God Intervene,the day before Christmas day I was reborn. The bad thing was I could not fell my legs but my personality was active with my smiles.I remembered one mourning praying to God saying "if you brought me back please let me walk again and be normal," the same morning I moved my legs.A few day later I started therapy in a wheel chair, there was progressed and started using a walker. Quickly I learn to do little things for myself,and my dream was to walk out of the Hospital(TWH) all the Doctors,Nurses called me the Miracle Man. the score tell the damaged to your brain.Remember my Score was a 4.5, base on my speedy recovery, I was an inspiration for my Families,Relatives,Friends,Doctors, Nurses and alot more poeple. I walked out the Hospital January 25, 2001. Later I fond out that Churches all over the World were praying for me so with GOD grace along with continue praying, God Still does answer prayer. Sense then I been charing my testimony in most of the Churches

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