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My story begins on June 30, 1999. I was at home taking care of our son who had out-patient surgery the day before. We live in a small town, I heard the sirens blow I looked at the clock (3:20 pm) and said "Ok wheres your Dad" . I knew Don was on his motorcycle and on his way home from work. About 15 min later I heard lifeflight helecopter go overhead. I went to the window and saw that it had landed on the road close to our house. I called my other son to come with me . We drove to a small gas station - thats as far as we could get due to backed up traffic. Lifeflight was taking off . I was told the accident was a pickup truck and a motorcycle. I went back home knowing it was Don. I called 911 and they confirmed it.. So My son and i went to the hospital. Don ended up slamming the right side of his head into the tailgate of the truck. Most of the damage was to the left side of his brain. He ended up having surgery to remove blood and destroyed tissue. The weeks that followed were a rollercoaster. I wish someone would have handed me a book i have found recently call "TBI Survivial Skills" It may have prepared us for what we were and even now going thru. Don was in ICU for two weeks. Then was move to rehab. When he went there he could not talk or walk. But the one thing that encouraged my sons and I thru this whole thing is that he seemed to know us. And we never lost our faith that God was with us. Once in rehab things moved very quick. He was walking and saying some words he has aphsaia. Cannot find the words to use. Short term memory loss amoung other things...

We are currently in a TBI rehab and this has been good for Don. He currently cannot work or drive. The drive part has been real hard on him - he feels he is just fine to drive. I guess its hard to lose your independance, I know it would be hard on me.

Anyway we are getting along now to the best of our means. Life is going to be a rollercoaster for awhile. Even now when I think life is going good. No fights today, then everything flipflops and something triggers Don and he gets mad. It doesnt take much to set him off now. Everyone in our household is STRESSED. Oh by the was did I say that our boys are teenagers 14 and 16! Life is a challlange everyday. But I am thankful that everyone is here and we will be alright.

Email: amazon10458