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It happened on January 16, 1998 at 7:30P.M.. He was on his way home from the mall with his friends. He was traveling on 224 and glenwood in Youngstown, Oh when he stopped at a red light when another car cut in front of him.He proceeded to get out of his car to check if the car hit him. He closed his door and an on coming car hit him.
The nightmare started at about 8:00 P.M. when we got the call from the police to go to the hospital are son was in a accident we rushed to the hospital but the ambulance was not there yet. We waited and waited finally we were so worried, they finally put a call in to the police. We found out that they had to stop at a emergency center because he went in to cardiac arrest and needed to put a airway in. When he got to St. Elizabeth trauma hospital He was in cardiac arrest again. The priest was called in for last rites.
My son Tony suffed a severe brain trauma, fractured leg, cracked ribs and muliple fractures in his face with one eye socket gone. When they got him stable they transfered him to S.I.C.U. As time went on thorough the night he was gettting worse his head was swelling and other thing were going wrong.
3 days passed the only thing they could do to try to save him was surgery That was successful. But the news after the surgery was bad. They told us he would not recover he would be a vegetable and to put him in a nursing home my answer to them was no way he is going to Hillside rehab
When he became a rancho 3 they transfered him to Hillside that was on Feb 26, 1998 From Feb to May he was a inpatient on May 7 he came home He was discharged as a outpatient on March 24,1999. He is starting special education classing on May 10, 1999 He will earn his high school diploma. He is determined to get better. He has a second chance like all the tbi family.