Hi my name is Beth I have a brother who was in a car accident . It happened Christmas eve 1999.He was drinking and had a fight with his wife.He left her and went too my moms house . He and my other brother went out with friends too play some music,and party. No one knows wear Darrell went after he dropped my other brother off. I say maybe to a bar . I really don't know for sure.on his way back to moms about 3 miles from her home. driving at high speed 100 miles per hour. he came up on my moms next door neighbor.on the wrong side of the road. and hit them head on.the guys that Darrell hit. one lost a finger and his son a spleen.Darrell on the other hand was hurt very badly his head split open and losing a lot of blood. his legs were pined under the dash. it was 6o,clock in the morning.my moms sister in-law were driving too Christmas breakfast and came around the wreak. Eric our cousin helped Darrell he held his head together until Southflight came and picked him up and took him too USA. hospital. He was so close to death. He was in a coma for 30 days and all kinds of brain surgery he was in the hospital for 6 months and went threw so much . We have never been threw anything like this the doctors didn't give us much hope and they didn't tell us much. It was a wait and see and we waited . He had to be traked and also had his leg in traction. His lung had fluid built up in it and had to be drained. He had a tube in his stomach and a tube in his head to drain fluid. He came close to death 3 times. When I saw him it didn't look like him. It was awful. When he woke up from the coma. He just laid there. He couldn't move or talk. Just lay there day after day . We stayed with him and talked to him and prayed and prayed. In the hospital he got bed sores some really bad ones. We moved and turned him twice daily. To make a very long story short he was put into a nursing home. Darrell is 32 years old and the youngest person there and doing so much better there. Now he can talk and knows who I am and other family members too. He doesn't remember the accident or anything about what happened . He has difficult remembering day to day and were he's at. We tell him about the things that's happened and try to help him remember things he has lost . He is not the same Darrell we knew and loved. I feel the loss of my baby brother and thankful he's still here with us today. He has a long way too go. He's having too relearn how to do everything all over again. But day by day he seems to get better. We know one day he will hopefully will walk out of that place or be wheeled out of there. It,s been 1 year and 1 month. The doctors say he's 6 months ahead of himself . We hope one day soon he can come back to us all well. If anyone would like to write me and give me any information or ideas to help me help Darrell I would like that very much . thanks for reading Darrell story. god bless.