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Hello to all! I am Bruce and my story starts in 1979. During the summer, I had decided to go out for football in High School. It was while I was driving to one of the afternoon 2-a-day football practices, I had a major accident. Due to my being only 14 years old, My older sister had come with me. This served two reasons. One was so she could see her boyfriend, and secondly, so I could drive to practice. It was while driving to practice that I rear-ended a propane truck and, Me? I was seriously injured......my sister died instantly.

I received a number of injuries, and, although some of them were quite superficial, a large number of them could have ended my life. Many times since the accident, I wish it could have been me instead of my siser. O.K., enough depression talk. Moving forward, one of the injuries I received was a closed head injury. The specialist that was assigned to me for this injury said there was a "Bruise covering 60% of my brain." I think this was on the left side of my brain. I have all the medical records, bought and paid for, so I will need to go back over those for more detailed information.

Recently, I met another person that, also, had a major car wreck and suffered a TBI as I have. This person told me that I should check with a Disability attorney to see if there would be any way for me to receive Disability or re-training money. I was told this would not be possible because I have "actively been compensated, through employment" since the accident. I thought, "Gee whiz, do you not understand what the last 25+ years have been like? constantly learning to cope and notr ever getting full satisfaction out of living? Not being able to remonber things and getting the "Amazed" looks when I try to explain why I dont remember? There are outward scars on my neck, face, arms and hands that tell of the accident. However, there is nothing to tell of the injuries and limitations I now have due to memory issues and storing for the short term simple things like names, even what day it is! Because the day changes every day at midnight, I even have trouble remembering the day fo the week! It is getting late now and I need to get some sleep. If anyone has any similarities to my story and issues, drop me a line! Good night.

Email Bruce