The TBI Chatroom |
They discovered 5 brain aneurysms. They did what was called Drak Turnakey on 2 of them. I then went into a coma for about 8 weeks. They put the other three on hold. You can't be in a coma for surgery OK. At that time my folks were both retired and living in Mississauga. They packed up and stored all of my belongings. My parents moved my children in with them, and registered them in school. So I was sent by plane to Mississauga to a hospital wher another doctor did 3 more Turnakeys on the rest. Now I was fixed up, good deal! When I woke up I could not talk, walk, dream, smell,eat, or write. With alot of help I now talk, eat, write and am learning to walk without a cain. My left side that slows me down. My leg moves, but my left hand still has a fist. I exercise it all the time. My family has offered a ton of support.. I was 2 years in hospital, so yes I'm glad to be out. When I got home I did join my local social group. It really help to be with others with the same fight on their hands. I wasn't alone! I started back doing my art work, I always did. I'm also a wantabe poet. Hope you enjoy reading my work. I was told 19 times I had platoed in the hospitals. That means never to do this or that. See what a persistent personality gets you. I also had 2 church groups saying prayers for me. So yes He had His hand in it. I truly hope someday Ican return and help someone who has been stuck the same way. Offer my support and let them know to keep on, keeping on.
Email Christine