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christopher "rwehuman"

Hello my name is Christopher Shea my story begins as follows: Monday, September 1st. 2003(I think it was a Monday but, I have a brain injury ya know! -i love that excuse!!) So at the time I was living in the state of Delaware where i was the Primary care giver to my grand parents(they changed my dipers, i'll change thier's) a friend and I decided to go to the beach for the laborday holiday via my motor cycle it was supposed to be a moderate ammount of time to get there about fortey five minutes but, this has been the longest fortey five minutes of my life! about a little under one minute down the road and ironically just past my grand parrents house like 100yds. We came through a corner and there IN MY LANE was a Chevy Taho !! lets just say I didn't beat the Taho but I'm beating the odds my passenger ended up with two broken legs and a good ammount of road rash. I ended up with three broken ribs in my back and a cracked T-1 vertibre not to mention a T.B.I. that has left me much like you, without use of my left side (initally)not to mention being in a coma for twenty-five days.I am now living in Buffalo N.Y. with my mother and going to out patiant therapy three days a week. i have gotten use of my left leg back so much so that my pysical(if I spelled it wrong its cause, you guessed it I have a brain injury) therapiest is talking about dis-charging me in a few weeks however my hand and arm are slow to come back i'm fighting alot of tone in my hand and arm we are looking into botox now because i have stoped progressing or platued(sp?, whatever) but I have been positave through this whole "trip to the beach". some of the things I tell my self to keep my chin up are "Adapt and overcome cheating is relitave","Get a straw, suck it up". my passenger by the way is doing very well she is back to work already!! It has been good listening to and talking to some one else who can fully relate to the "intresting nueonses" of a T.B.I.
I'm glad the bruse was in the back of my head because I'd much rather give my motorskills than my personality and sence of humor(as twited a it may be) anw way it was goodtalking to you,hope to hear from you soon,
you can also catch me on Instant Messanger using RWEHUMAN

Email rwehuman