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Daniel Brown

It all happened on santpatrics day. I had played softball all day and drank green beer. I played really good I was told. I guess I was pounding the beer down. I then went home and drank more. I then decided to show off and went for a drive. I pilled everyone in my Hyondia Tiburon. Then I took off and was bragging about my driving abilities and my stereo. I built the stereo myself it was two 15 spl. It was loud. Then I passed a car and turned off my headlights to scare every one at 118 mph. Then when I turned them back on I had lost control of the car. The car slid into a culvert and it endowed over 9 times so the cops think. They don't know how many flips it did in the air. All the passengers where thrown from the car but one. He had his set belt on. I was the only one serocely hurt. One of the passengers got 4 stitches in his arm or leg. That was all I am lucky that know one ells got seriously hurt. The car I had passed saved my life. both of them were in the medical field. She pulled my face out of the mud and got us all on oxygen

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