Darlene Siedman
Hi, my name is Darlene, "dar" to most of you in the room. I have had a few Brain injuries, starting from early childhood. While at camp one day (7 or 8) i had a near drowning, and was pulled out of the water unconcious. So i had an untreated BI to begin with (anoxia). In 1986, while riding on my 650 Suzuki (Savage) , i started to slide on sand and gravel on the road, while in a snake turn. I managed to put the bike down off the road. However, my head sort of connected with the ground. My head felt like it was going to explode for the next 7 months (probably secondary BI ). I DID go to the emergency room for this one, but all they did was sew my face up (couple little stitches), as my finger had gone through my face above my lip. I have had light sensitivity since this time , and lots of head pain. Then, i guess the worst thing happened in 1990 .My son and i were passengers in a vehicle that was hit head on by a drunk driver. The vehicle wound up upside down on a sidewalk . Even though we were both rushed to Yale New Haven Hos, we were "treated'" and released afterward. There were broken bones , BI , etc., of course, and we looked and felt like someone had tried to beat us to death. I was sent home with my then 11 yr. old son Heath, and
told simply to not let my son fall asleep ! I could barely keep MY eyes open ! This was a very bad time in our lives. My older son ( 21 ), at the time, was out of the house, and i was single. I consider this another untreated BI . It certainly did not help my light sensitivity. It also gave me sound sensitivity, and has not done wonders for my personality. And the head pain is horrendous, and often constant. The head pain can be very exhausting, so i have also become quite a drag, even though i don't mean to be. Well , that's enough for now , see you in chat.