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David "SilverKnight" M.M.

David My name is David, and I'm a survivor. I was in the military (Army) in 1985, we were in the field taking a break from setting up a tent when WHAM.....across my head strikes a sledgehammer. I was knocked out cold, and don't recall anything until coming to in the field hospital. I stayed there with a concussions for four days. They Army docs said I was fine (no tests were performed). When your 21yrs old, the Army knows best. Unbeknownst to me, that blow changed my entire life. I was, prior to the blow, an A1 troop, awards, commendations, presentations, rank jumping. After is a different story. I became a ragbag and didn't know why. My good standing with the Army fell soon to disciplinary actions, Article 14's, extra duty, confined to barracks, and even jail time. When I got out of the Army I was ready to raise hell. My family didn't know me anymore, nor did they want to. I spent the next 10 years in a dop infested biker world, trying to cover the strange things my head was doing. I finally had enough of the dope and ended up in Narcotics Anonymous. Now comes the medical part.....no one wants to help. I got the shuffle, this system to that system, this VA doc to that VA doc, none really caring about what was happining to me. I got not only suicidal, but homicidal; and still the docs dont seem to hear that!!. Seems all the docs I have dealt with are what I call :God Doctors). Countless trip into the hsopital with the question to me :"Have you ever had a head injury"; yes, I have, thats the last I would here of it. Then I spent 6 months in and out of the Nashville VA, I never saw the same doctor twice. I finally said to heck with the system and got on my wifes insurance. Now, at least a doctor "seems" to be treating the head injury, we shall see.

Well, Thanks for listening

Email David