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Dawn Bullers

Hi, my name is Dawn. My son and husband was in a MVA on March 17th 1998. My husband was making a left hand turn and was T-Boned in the side where my son was sitting. He was unconsious for about nine hours.When he finially did wake up he didn't know who we were. That was the worst day of my life. He couldn't talk for three days, he was in ICU for a day. It was the hardest thing in the world to go through, I can't imagine what he was thinking. He had a subdual hematoma on his left side of his skull and a cut on the right side that required five staples, and lung contusions.

My husband was knocked unconscious for a few minutes, but basiclly he was alright. He was a little brused but more than anything he felt like he was the blame. But now that Zack is getting better everyday, he's okay about it.

Up to today, Zack is doing good on the outside, nobody could tell by looking at him anything is wrong, but he is having some problems with his memory, and in school. But thank God he has a great teacher who's so willing to help him in every way possible. We are getting ready to put him back in speech so hopefully he will continue to get better. He's almost 6 now so hopefully this year will be better.

I'd like to know so much about head injuries, I never thought about them before, but now that we've been through all of this it is very interesting.

Thank you for lending an ear it helps to get it out.

If anyone would like to e-mail me feel free to do so. bullers@abts.net