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Derren "Dman" Domingue

I grew up in south Louisiana, went to College in New York (United States Merchant Marine Academy), Graduated and worked for General Electric Nuclear Energy as an Engineer, moving up, doing project management some etc. I changed jobs/companies in 1995, suffering a tbi Aug 21, 1996 by falling 30 feet, and landing on concrete. I stuck my arm in scaffolding on the way down, which slowed my fall some and landed me on my left side. West Jefferson Hospital was my first stop (which was 1/2 mile from injury sight which was good), then to Touro infirmary until Dec 1996. Recieved out patient since, now with a Counselor for the most part.

I've gone back to school, graduating in Industrial Electronics in 2004 with honors. Having a hard time finding employment, so I work part time helping a guy repair houses and with another company catering. God is good, and it will all work out. Have a great day,

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