I am a rn who works in neuroscience[for29 yrs.] plus in 1974 I had a subdural hematomia and I was 9 mons. pregnant. My husband found me unconscious in the bed, took me to the hosp.[Of course they thought i was in labor}, they admitted me[at that time there was no mri or ct scan machine], so the neurosurgeon did an lp[ to rule out aneurysm] then he took me to surgery at 1230am that night. I had 2 subdural hematomias on the left side above my left ear. well i was in icu 4 days,and i didnt wake up so the Dr. did a arteriogram to see if I had rebleed. While I was in xray on the table my membranes ruptured and i was in active labor!!!! Four hrs later I delivered a healthy baby girl[Alicia} And 4 days later I came to. I had terrible expressive aphasia,lost my right peripheral vision permanently......This was in Feb. and after much Speech therapy and having a few seizures I went back to nursing the end of June. I say this was a miracle. God has to be with me. I was 24 then and 52 now. I still work neuro.and i share my stories at times with families that need a bust. I hope it will help one of Yall. Huggs, Gail