The TBI Chatroom |
We never did find out what happened, the doctors have theorized that I tripped and hit my head, that I was hit in the head by another person or I had a seizure and fell to the ground hitting my head. I guess we will never know for sure. I have returned to work but find that ALL THINGS ARE DIFFERENT. No matter how OK things seem to be to those that I have known and worked with. ALL THINGS ARE DIFFERENT. I am really interested in hearing from any other police officers that have survived a tbi. So if you are one or if you know of one, please contact me Email Gary
On 9-27-98 I was an Investigator for a small police department in Texas. That night I was working on off-duty job at a bar in a neighboring town. I remember standing outside with a cup of coffee and the next thing I know there is a doctor standing over me (it is 2 days later) and he is telling me how he had performed brain surgery to relieve pressure from a intra-cranial hematoma and had managed to save my life. I later find out that they had told my family, 1- that I may not live, 2-if I did I would be in a vegetative state or 3- I would be blind. I was fortunate in that I was released from the hospital 12 days later and returned to work in 90 days. I DID LIVE, I AM NOT IN A VEGETATIVE STATE AND I AM NOT BLIND.