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James "veggy" Nye

james_n.jpg James "veggy" Nye from Detroit suburbs. Survivor Sept.97. I was rear ended while coming home from work. My first son was due to be born the next day. Had a god job. My life was wonderful. The accident has turned my life and hopes around.

I have memory problems, short attention span, disorientation, difficulty speaking (finding the words i want to say). headaches, and at time uncontrolled violent outburst. I guess I'm lucky I still have motor functions, I'm mean it could be worse.

My fiancee left me after a few months.james_n1.jpg I had to go to court to fight for visitation rights to see my son. I finally got limited , supervised visits when he was 7 months old. Sometime he's the only thing that keeps me going.

I don't work now. I used to be a chemist and was working on my masters. My neopsycholgist suggested taking a math class as therapy. I qualified for remedial math, math 098. That's discouraging. But i'm trying.

I enjoy talking with others with similar problems. And would be glad to help if i can.

Pictures are of my son Jacob. The second is me before tbi, I'm the one in the middle.
