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Keith "kingfish" Sherrard


My name is Keith Sherrard and I was seriously TBI in 1961. I show only signs now of memory loss and depression. I have actually lossed my whole life. I had no REHAB so I learned myself then forgot. I have a total of four children and I have no idea of their birthday and because of the way I call them at times my wife stated that I didn't know their names. I had one daughter to my first wife who I completely forgot (she is now 35 years old and we have built up a good relationship in the last two years.

The New Authur on The Block
This is a picture of my book and I have already had compliments on the material in it, that after reading one poem they can't put it down for the poems make them want to go on! For information on my book, email me at roysherrard@ripnet.com

Well here is a couple of pictures one of me and my wife Rosemarie who has put up with me all these years(my third wife) The second picture is of myself when I tried to grow a beard