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I'm a 44 year old woman who suffered a ruptured aneruysm in may of 1997. since then it' been a very long and lonely road that i've had to walk alone. my family says that they understand how i feel but how can they if their not T.B.I. themselves. since my rupture I've finally got all my movement back well allmost but since I took sick all my friends and most of my family has left me to my own devices.

as my councellor said that this is their way of copping with what has happened. since the rupture I've suffered from nausiousness the whole time and fatigue but an unable to sleep. if any one out there suffer the same problems i would love to hear from them and also how their doctors treat it. In March I'm also facing more surgery for another aneurysm that needs clipping . also my birthday is the 14th march and i'll be 44 this year. but I have 2 birthdays a year since the surgery as the doctors gave me no chance of recovery when the aneuurysm burst. so i feel as if i was reborn in that operating room

Email Labell