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Linda Gibson

On Friday April-29-94 My husband and both sons were going to get our car tags and on their way home about 2 1/2 miles from our house they went off the side of the road for some unknown reason and came back on and hit another car head on and well we lost my husband in the wreck and Joe my oldest son sustained a very serious head injury and spent the next 4 months in the hospital kept being told that he would not make it though the night because when he was first admitted his blood pressure was 0 so I waited for the next month to know for sure he would live then they said he would never walk or talk again, he spent from June-12- to August 12 in the rehab hospital and then came home with me he had to continue going to out patience rehab for another year, he was just like having an infant child again We (Me and the Therapist) had to teach him how to walk talk, ABC "s potty train everything all over again.

When he finally went back to school he started back on Kindergarten level and worked his way to where he is today which is between 4th and 6th grade level depending on the subject.

I'm still dealing today and always will with problems due to the head injury, for example temper, attitude, immaturity he is 14 but mentally 9 or 10 sometimes younger.

As far as for my other son he had cuts bruises and a torn spleen, neither one remembers anything about the wreck which I'm thankful for since their Daddy was killed, but wished I had some answers to what happened.

One of the hardest things was when I had to tell my Youngest son that his daddy was dead and wasn't coming back after 2 weeks of being in a comma. Joe on the other hand remembers his daddy but not as recent memories as his Brother.

Thank you for all of your caring and support if you should have any advice please send it.

Thank you again
Linda Gibson

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