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Linda Miller

My husband and I were out for our usual Saturday shopping trip. We were on a 4 lane street. Another dirver was coming the oposit way. The guy wasn't suppose to be driving because of a medical problem he had. He passed out as he was driving and came all the way across the road and we ran into him. I didn't have a seat belt on and went through the windshield of our car. My husband, who was driving, did have his seat belt on but he was bruised across his chest from the seat belt. I was taken to a hospital and then taken by helicopter to another hospital that deals with brain injuries. I don't remember anything about that day. I only remember waking up a few months later in the hospital. I didn't know why I was there and I don't remember even questioning why I was there. I wasn't in a coma or anything. This was in Sept of 95. The job I was working at let me go after being on disability for 6 months. I wasn't happy with the job but I was making good money. I went through computer training for a few months that BVR sent me through and I got another job that doesn't really have much to do with computers. Filing, passing out mail and what ever else I can handle. I'm really busy but I love it more than the other job. I'm earning about half the wage but I don't care. This job makes me happier.

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