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Marlayna Anne "Carol" Olson

I know someone who's had a tbi. My father. He had a stroke in '89, when I was only 7 yrs old. I know the pain of knowing someone who could change incredibly because of a brain injury, and let me tell you, I understand. Ever since my dad had that happen to him, it's nearly change my life completely. He's also had 3 heartattacks, an engeoplasty, open-heart surgery, and last year, on my 19th birthday, he had some more heart problems, and had to have a quadrupple bypass surgery done, which, thank God, turned out very sucessful, despite him not being able to work anymore, and having to collect disablility, which, he says, he'd rather work.

I've been doing a lot of research on TBI, and am very respectful and empathetic to all the survivors. I think its' absolutelly wonderful, that there are things like this webpage, that recognise TBI, and educate people about it--that is simply remarkable. May God Bless and keep all of you in his love and care.

With love,
Marlayna Anne Olson
AKA in chatrooms: *Carol*

Email Marlayna