Hi to all, I am not a surviver or a caregiver. Let me explain.I can to your chat room at the invitation of my friend Marie_Ann aka Nodd or Noddy. I am so inspired by your stories and courage. I to have had many dealings with hospitals. Mine daughter was born 15 weeks early and weighed only 1lb 7 oz. She had many problems from the start s you can imagine.She is now 4 years and has a vp shunt in her head do to hydrocephlus. This was caused from a (brain Bleed ) she had when a few days old.She has had four brain surgeries and is on her second shunt. I worry about her everyday but just take things as they come. She has yearly CTs and the lasttwo showed no change in fluid levels. Yeah! This means the shunt is still functioning. I wish they had a site like this for people with hydro. There are always so many questions. Thanks to you all for makingthis such a good site and special thanks to my friend Marie-Ann (noddy) for bring me here. (((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))