The TBI Chatroom |
Peter Email Peter
My name is Peter Buckingham aged 51 . I am married to Ann and we have 3 children , Spencer 19 , Fay 16 and Suzanne 7 . My RTA was 5 1/2 yrs ago . A head on car crash that I was lucky to survive . I was 6 wks in a coma , 6 wks vegetative state and PTA for 6-7 mnths . I am now , making an excellent recovery and as part of my rehab , give talks about my experience to medical staff , clinical psychologists , OTs , other BI people and their relatives . I find that this helps them a tremendous amount . They are forced to view the accident from a unique angle . It is so unfair , I had just completed an MBA and the world seemed like my oyster . Then a head on car crash that was not my fault ! But you have to get on with your life. Enough moans now !