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I got a closed head injury from getting hit from behind by a truck, a left sided hemiparesis and partial paralization which makes you look like a stroke ,to understand and lost use of my left arm for years, my leg dragged...i had eyes that were stuck looking one way and it took years of hard work and rest to get better...to understand when people speak to you is such a gift god gave me back after almost 4 years...in 2 years time from 4-6 years my iq has jumped from 69 to ways higher, i am very blessed....i have tryed to rebond with my family again in a way i wasnt able to for so long and in my relationship...i have alot of problems but i feel like i beat the beast....the beast that didnt allow me to understand...that kept me far from everyone.... i pushed and pushed so hard after i relized it wasnt just a neck and back injury....I was in denial and it hurt to hear the word brain injury and still does........i lived in a fake world for many years i guess...i developed post traumatic seizures and mini strokes and now have heart problems and breathing problems from the wasting away of my muscles and brain atrophy...i thank god everyday im alive and i can be with my loved ones....I am sick every other day becuase my body is tired and not fighting as hard to fight infections and colds... i still recieve treatment from tbi programs so we'll see what happens...i owe my life to my caregiver, life partner and best friend, Jenny, who has been there for me threw hell and back for years...only a special person could do that and stick this hard journey out..i know my life wont be as long as alot of other people but im trying to cherish the time i have now and not be afriad of whats to come...im 32 and have been fighting for 6 years since 26..the day I died, i will always think of it as..i feel like im stuck in someone elses body that doest work right...im a fighter till the end..my goals are i would like to get a job making money