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Thomas Joseph

Thomas & Sister Anna This is about my first born Thomas Joseph ----- at the time of his accident he was 13 yrs old .Oh and to make this a little easier I call him TJ.Smile.Well as you can see , he was on his fathers dirtbike 10 miles from his house on a St. rte with no brakes and no Helmet.The F250 hit him just after passing two other cars and the man said he was atleast traveling at 55 miles per hour , while my son was exiting a private drive . The report says the man that hit him thought that he was going to turn and go the same way the man was traveling , but TJ was going straight accross the road and instead of missing him he hit him dead on .My sons fault for failure to yield. Well he lived about 30 miles from a local hospital , butThomaswas medflighted to our local childrens.There he was said to have been in a coma , needed all life saving things ,had a anurisom in the bottom of his stomach and left legg bones completely broken and shoved out of the skin,NO SCKULL FRACTURE ,and i think this is the most wildess thing of all he was estamated being hit and throwed 80 to 100 ft and landed on his head ,he did have 37 staples through out the front and left of the sckull .He also had a broken left clavicle . I watched in horror thinking my son was no longer the child I had seen 2 weeks prior , and then the doctors , oh man they may be able to fix things , but not without scareying the heck out of you , with there long term ideas of what the outcome maybe .For 9 of the longest days ofThomasmy life I watched waited and prayed that Gods will would be for him to let my son live a some what normal life again .Then on that 9thday at 12:30pm he spoke .SMILE As a caregiver for just my childern I have grew so much. But as a mom that cannt fix this kind of a booboo I was lost . I also have a little girl that at the time was just 2yrs old , and this was also very hard for her . Bottom line is TJ is now with myhusband of 5 yrs and his little sister , that by the way has said to him he is her hero,smile, and myself .We have really worked hard on getting him back to what will and is normal for who he is now .And we are very close as you can see in the pics above he is now a 15 yr old with alot of life , and even stepped into having a girlfriend .HisThomasaccident was Aug20th,1998 and the last pic of him is from about 1 month ago ,as you can see he is sooooooo blessed and so are we . I have to give GOD all the credit in this because to many things happened along this path in our life , somethings you just know .Its funny how this tragedy has became lessons that has made this whole family just get stronger and closer to GOD.I just cant tell you how weak I really was before this whole thing happened. But I can tell you how strong we are today. Now I am telling my sons story , because we have done alot of work to get him where he is today. And I would like nothing more than to share anything that might help another in this subject .Please feel free to e-mail me with anything I can help with or even if it is something I cant 2 heads are better than 1 Smile. There is much much more to our story but I would take alot of time and anyway we are past all that Smile.

A MOM THAT KNOWS------Sherry

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