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My name is Tracey, I am 25 years and a survivor of TBI. As a child I already had to face some medical challenges. I lost my right leg above the knee to Cancer ( the same type as Terry Fox ) when I was 8 years old. I survived that part of my life and became very committed to school. After graduating high school I went straight in college to study Justice. After graduating with a Youth Care Diploma and a Corrections Diploma, I was just starting my life with a new career. I was the first disablitled female ever to get hired on to a Correctional facility. I loved my job and passed ever review with flying colors. One night while I was walking with some inmates into the main building I slipped and fell on the ice. While I was knocked out by that the inmates started kicking me in the head in order to obtain my gate keys to escape. Finally my co-workers came to my rescue. I was taken out of the jail unconsience and have never been back since. I have been told by my doctors that I never will.

A week after the incident, was when I started, and my family, that I was not acting the same and that these "symptoms" were not going away and new ones were starting to appear. Black outs, both long and short memory loss, balance problems ( still can't wear my prosthesis ), speech loss. As I write this, it has been 10 months since my accident (Nov. 99) and I still deal with many of these same problems. I am presently going through therapy and rehab. Due to tbi I have been now diagnosed with Depression and Chronic Pain Syndrom. Because I am not able to work and realizing that I am not the same person through me into a deep depression that I take medication for daily.

I am progressing every day, even throught this all I was married in June 99, to a very understanding, loving and caring man. We are doing great together and my family has supported me all the way. That is the only thing that will get you through each and every day, a good support system. If you read this and you find yourself in the same situation, please feel free to contact me.

Stay strong :-) Tracey
person that I once was.

Email Tracey