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Mark "underfrog" Colburn
Grunion Runs Straight Into My Arms!
 >>>                   (*Main*) G---C----D---->D---C----G--->
>>>                   (*Break*) AM--- G---->back to main starting with G---)
>>>                   (*Chorus*) D-----C----D----C----> twice 1 after (*M*) 
>>> & again at end.....)
>>>                    (*Main*)Grunion runs up the beach as part of life,
>>>                   We drive on 2 this happening to escape,
>>>                   At least the grunion gets it right,
>>>                   Those night up theBrown sandy beach high atitude runs,
>>>                   keeps grunion's bod in tip top shape,
>>>                   (*Chorus*) Does my grunion even know,
>>>                   That I'm her biggest fan,
>>                     Next time she runs I'll be hiding like a panther,
>>                     Just crouched in waiting 4,
>>>                  he grunion's run straight into my arms,
>>>                   (*Main*) Grunion runs beaneath the stars, & the full 
>>> moon,
>>>                   Grunion hides during dawn's sun's blinding glaring 
>>> glaze,
>>>                   It's all part of her secret charms,
>>>                   She runs & hides deep under the sea,
>>>                   She stole my breath  away only yeterdaze,
>>>                 (*Break*)Grunion's runs 4 tomarrows
>>>                    Soooooooo far  away,
>>>                   Sooooooooooooo far away,
>>>                   Sooooooooooo far away,
>>>                   So farrrrrrrrrrrr away,
>>>                   Too far away,
>>>       (*Chorus*)Does  the grunion even know that,
>>>                   I'm her biggest fan,
>>>                   Next time I'll be in hiding like a panther,
>>>                   In waiting 4,
>>>                   Mark.H. Colburn.
>>>                   Copyright GREENROOM ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn.

Saturday Night Blues!
                   Just another night to feel blue,
                  Just another night to make do,
                  Am I just wasting my time on saturday night,
                  There must be another way on date night shit,
                  Some other girl closer wants to this close 2 my heart,
                  U just tore out my soul mostly cause it's just the way you roll,
                  Istead of the Distance should make our hearts grow fonder shit,
                  It's the old out of out of site out of mind trip,
                  Yet it's blues for me tonight, As my tHoughts begin to wonder,
                  You pretend u got it made in da shade shit,
                  As u get older you'll get too independent 4 u too,
                  Then when a moonlit Sat night again hits,
                  You'll dream the had it made shit,
                  Then u made this burning man cry cheap trick,
                  One day Grunion didn't cum when U called,
                  I was always ready to sing u lulabys to sleep,
                  Want to grow old alone & independant without a man strong & tall,
                  I think by now I've paid my dues,
                  All I'm left with is a suitcase full of Saturday nite blues..

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn.

I love you like my mother. (Golden hearts)!
                   Yes I'm a moma's boy,
                  all the time and time is a funny thing,
                  Like a diamond ring,
                  It never loses no value,
                  A friend in need is a friend in deed,
                  So a friendly seed I shall sew,
                  Sew I can watch it grow,
                  The sea is a green hazel just like lilibells eyes,                
   Your beach sparkling diamonds of  lite Brown 4 me to climb,
                  Mother raised a sun with heart on sleeve,
                  Now my cup runnith over in no time,
                  So if you don't want to get wet,
                  There are plenty more fish in the sea,
                  If it's a moma's boy you want,
                  Then you got one in me,
                  Beneath my coarse wild exterior,
                  Some may find infearior,
                  Now I know what I have to do,
                  Rite hear is a golden heart,
                  Searching for his match,
                  I've found that GOLDEN HEART in you!

                  M.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2005 Mark. Harry. Colburn. 

Held In Irons!
                  Dreams & schemes & fairy tails,
                  Fame & fortune 4 puppy dog tales,
                  Tatoos tell stories all 2 true,
                  Scars tell them better from me 2 you,
                  Tortured seas fade with the sunrise,
                  Warm southern breeze that fills our sails,
                  I've seen it happen so I know it can,
                  So hold on tight to our wild plan,
                  Our ship is held in irons,

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Grunion Runs Just Like U R...
                  I'm not out to change you,
                  I need u just like u are,
                  I'm just out 2 change me,
                  2 sea if I can swim out far & get back 2 your shores,
                  The oceans of life are a wild thing,
                  When the biggest waves crash down,
                  Have to sea if I can keep my head up,
                  It's been near 4 ever since I've been out on my own,
                  Last time Fell from the sky all alone,
                  So u just keep on doin like you do,
                  I'll just stop by to give you my blues,
                  Your love sure helps along my way,
                  Long as I know your close & in love with me,
                  I can carve sculptures in the mountains 4 u,
                  With my bare hands,
                  Just so u know I'm not out to change u,
                  I need grunion runs just like u r....

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn. 

Grunion Runs & Green Flashes For Her Majesty Princess Christine...
>>                   There are millions of waves in the ocean,
>>                   We seem to make so much out of one,
>>                   Just where have you been Christine,
>>                   Want to watch your eyes watch the grunion run,
>>                   Guarantee a green flash if you go with me,
>>                   Beauty is so bright & everlasting,
>>                   Just like you & me,
>>                   If anyone asks just say,
>>                   "I was invited to watch the grunion run",
>>                   We just get old too fast,
>>                   Things turn out the way they will,
>>                   Waves just keep on rolling,
>>                   The surf can never sit still,
>>                   We have to live for all it's worth,
>>                   The hear & now must be eaten,
>>                   Live learn and love till you get your full,
>>                    The Green flash on the ocean is so rare a catch,
>>                   We watched it together in another lifetime Christine,
>>                   So spectacular and so true,
>>                   When we sea it again,
>>                   We'll be altogether different people,
>>                   Our loves, hates, fears, & cares may  have changed,
>>                   But I will always love you,
>>                   Dreams that matter so much like waves on rocks tend to
>> dash,
>>                    I've arrived on this earth get the opportunity to 
>> watch
>> this spectacular site with you,
>>                   To watch the reflectiions through your Brown eyes
>> Christine,
>>                   To perchance witness the grunions running & the ocean
>> sun's colorful horizon's
>>                   GREEN FLASH
>>                   M. H. Colburn.
>>                   Copyright ©2005 M. H. Colburn.


                  Time moves so fast & won't wait!
                  CHRISTINE IT'S HIGH TIME 4 4 EVER


                  Our love is a roller coaster these days,
                  Time just moves much faster these days,
                  My love 4 you is a long laster,


                  We may end up together again,

                  Like we were in heavan,
                  There is only one true love for us in life,

                  *That's the reason I came back on *this earth,

                  Let's make our move on it & get us right,

                  The past was just  a test to sea if we could recognise
our real loves,

                  (*M*)We are as real as the sun is hot these days,
Suddenly I realize how short life is,
                  We have to move while were young enuff to grow our love
again forever, Not like b4 in days gone by only
                  This kind of love needs to happen while were young &
still enjoy, There is only one true love in our life &
we found each other late, Real friendship takes time to
grow like a flower, Let's move now while we can plant
our love time won't wait for us,

                  (*C*)We will end up together,

                  There is only one true love for us in life,

                  Let's make our move on it& get us right,

                  I know you feel it,

                  I feel it to,

                  They let me keep my memories of you,

                  Just enuff to pull you back through,

                  The past was just  a test to sea if we could recognise
our love,

                  I knew you in heaven & swore I'd find your soul on earth,

                  Christine it  took so long but I recognise you from

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn.

ChristineYour Wearing my Heart On Your Sleeve!
                  (*CHORUS*)D--A--G reapeats now & then...
                  (*M*)You don't even need to say it,
                  It's not that I wouldn't mind,
                  if you shouted it out loud,
                  (*B*)Like a freudian slurp,
                  Loud enough for shake up the climbers up on Everest,
Avalanches & tidal waves & earthquakes result,
                  All due to you & screams of love's fault,
                  Not The Sanandrus Fault,
                  (*M*)Christine that's just the way you roll,
                  You show it by the way you walk,
                  You show me by the way you talk,
                  You show me by the way you move,
                  You show me by the way you groove,
                  (*C*)You don't need to say those words, Their just empty
words, Christine you got a heart on your sleeve,
                  Your wearing your heart on your sleeve,
                  Did you look in the mirror this morning,
                  Christine your wearing my heart on your sleeve...

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn.


   When you work out alone, such epiphanies are private. When you workout with a
partner, the experience is shared  total of 1+1= more than 2.

Between 2 there is an invisible third-that thing called "us" & mysterious surges of
strength that come when 2 people support each other, drive each other on.

  As in life, training partnerships are linked by mutual desire. 2 people work out
best when they have the same desire.

   Working out with Christine is an extra close exchange, based on trust & extream
sexual desire. You move into each others experience, reveal your funny pull &
push faces & weaknesses let someone into your world and enter theirs bigtime 4
lots of cookies , so that both of you may assist each other munching down those


Good partnering in a weight room is like dancing. One needs to develop a "feel" for
when to lead & when to follow, when to move together & when to solo. Clear
communication is key for a dance & the weight room.

That's That Then!

                  Love is there,
                  You can smell her wind song on the breeze,
                  When I ran through love's soft sweet forest,
                  She never heard me fall,
                  Love can be blind,
                  So we have to help her win the day,
                  Love never notices flowers from trees,
                  A little flower picked from a yard on my run,
                  To help her find my way,
                  Don't bother with the store bought brand,
                  She needs a guy with time to pickup the flowers during a morning run,
                  To gently place in her hands,
                  She is waiting around the corner hours,
                  Just have faith in the flowery child when,
                  You'll sea when she sings this tune,
                  Love will sing all through your lonely lonely nights to you, 
                  THAT'S THAT THEN,

                  Love has a heart,
                  Tender & true,
                  Love knows this song,
                  Love is always true blue, 

                  Could this love be for you,
                  True love can never be wrong,

                   Repeat till That's That Then!

                  M. H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2005 M. H. Colburn. 

Don't you wish you had a babe like mine?

                  (*Main*) G--F--Em--D,
                  (*M*)My baby is a cooker, My baby can get her groove on,
My girlfriend is money babey,My baby is such a looker,
(*C*)Bet you wish yoe baby could be a slut like mine, I
know you want my girl because she looks so fine, Don't u
wish u had a baby that cooked like mine, Don't u wish u
had a baby that grooved like mine, Bet u wish your girl
looked a fine as mine,
                  Don't u wish u had a baby to give u time,
                  Bet you wish your baby was as hot as mine,
                  Can you bring your girl home to meet yer rents,
                  Then she tears you apart like she's heaven's scents,
Does your baby have gams like mine,
                  Don't you wish your gal could get so freaky like mine,
Or that magic tendon that twitches so fine,
                  (*M*)Can your baby get her freak on you,
                  Can she do the booty call 2?I bet you wish,
                  Don't u stare, You know u do,
                  (*C*)Bet u wish your baby could be sl-ty like mine....

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn.


                  Muze you got me in a world of trouble,
                  Got me livin in a big blues world,
                  My muze be livin my mystery world,
                  Although I am a new entrant in her bushy,sexy eyebrowed
world, She's got me in her fitness world 2 shape up my
ass/act, She's got me living in her world,
                  So far I've been in a world of hurt,
                  Da man-o-war world, Training world, da crazy world,
Music's world, Hope my disapearing grunion muze ready
for baggage to be unferlld, Hopefully soon I'll be in
her loves world,
                  Then a worlds maniacle cycle will start a new,
                  Although in this wild wild world,
                  That fact seems sad,

                  Christine's eyes are still brown too you,
                  These song words/worlds I write right now are *true*,
Through this time in my world,
                  I can sea that,
                  That witchy muze grunion  gals eye's are disapearing,
They are turning *BLUE*,

                  M. H. COLBURN.

                  Copyright ©2005 M. H. Colburn.


(*MAIN*) Why should I leap off the gravy train,
If beauty is only skin deep,
Move over rover,
& Let this dog slide on over,
Christines book cover is drivin this dog insane,
Hear come da judge & jury baby,
Deep in your soul I will seep,
Got so tierd runnin cross those railroad tracks,
Barely grabed your fine caboose on my last leap,
(*CHORUS*) Next stop easy street junction 4 me,
I had the blues so long with 1 final leap,
Caught my gravy train,
Ain't never climbin off,
The Christine wavy gravy train,
Is headin directly  for rock & roll swerve,
I loves your way baby,
And we deserve our just deserts,
Christines wavy gravy train yea yea yea,
(*MAIN*) Simmer down ya know,
Gots my tickit to ride,
Earned well now with hard times & blues now,
Easy street junction straight ahead,
Just shine on Christine,
Folks readin bad books now instead...
@2005 bmi ascap Greenroom music
by Col. Burnin

My paintings of Christine!

                  Such an atractive sunflower,
                  Her way is to shine,
                  Monarch butterflies power,
                  If I were to touch her wings would she fly,
                  My touch may rub off her fairy dust,
                  Her way is a muse by another name,
                  Such a sweet flower,
                  I saw a model posing for a picture,
                  Like a painting of a muse by another game,
                  Did she catch my buzz,
                  Just a bee with broken wings,
                  Tell me whats a happinin,
                  She is a tiny dancer,
                  Intoxicating she only drove me nuts,
                  Long time ago at a wedding this muse won my daze. My day
was won by a muse of another name,
                  Like she's a model posing for a pictures,
                  Like a painting but another game!
                  My paintings of christine..

                  M. H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2005 M. H. Colburn.

Christine your My Addiction
                  (*M*)G-A--D-A-G->I've done my lion's share of drugs,
Hard drugs 4 pain,
                  Antidepresants that got me depressed,
                  Someone's idea of a joke with no name,
                  These daze Christine I'm addicted to you,
                  No matter what I do,
                  Like selling good luck charms or lucky trix,
                  Always think how I'll get through the daze,
                  How can I get my Christine fix,
                  (*C*)C-Bm-G->Girl I'm stuck on you,
                  Christine my eyes may look blue,
                  But your love is my prediction,
                  (*M*)That only a hit of Christine can get me through the
nites, I think you know that,
                  (*C*)I need my Christine fix because,
                  I need my moments to feel rite,
                  Christine your my addiction,

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn.

Alwayz in the nick of time..
Christine's Stand By ByeGuy!
                  *MAIN* Go ahead run around,
                  Trouble alwayz follys a foxy gal,
                  Your raven hair stands on end,
                  He comes directly when he hear's da sound,
                  Of your sensational screams,
                  Like an old time western movie star,
                  He'll show up in da nick at da last miniute,
                  With his gun ablazein, Christine yer his all, What does
this mean, He shoot shoot shoots that thing 4 you,
                  Masked man alwayz catches yoor fall,
                  Your friends say Christine who was that dashing stand
bye man, He's alwayz be just in da nick, But why that
mask, *CHORUS* Thats just my ole STAND BYE GUY,
                  That's the way he rolls,
                  He's head over heels in love,
                  Thinks he's gonna end up with me forever,
                  He guards my fragile soul, His groove is rite on, I'm
alwayz gettin carried away,
                  I just love dat man's horse ride ta his starz above,
That's just my stand by guy...

                  M. H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2005 M. H. Colburn.

Long Distance Love!
                    Main* G--C--D--C--G--*
                  Chorus* D-C-AM-G
                  (*M*) Mon ange we have to fly away,
                  Yet  keep this  together,
                  You know this love is so full of fire,
                  We can't let our flames be drown out,
                  In any kind of weather,
                  (*C*) Long distance love,
                  We gots 2 find away,
                  To keep this love lite lit,
                  Long distance love,
                  We can do it do it do it,
                  (*M*)We've watched other loves die,
                  Their loves were based on lies,

                  No way they could take the strain,

                  Too many straws just broke their  camel backs,

                  No way they could take the pain,
                  We have the tantric kind to feel,

                  Grunion geographic challenge is no match fot us,

                  We will succeed where others have failed,

                  Because they were not real,

                  Christine we are 4 ever,

                  We already sealed our deal,

                  (*M*)Beauty calls,

                  Cyber love,

                  Our love still  flys,

                  Mon ange we set our sites on a higher love,

                  We'll get help from the stars above,

                  (*C*) Long distance love,

                  We got to fly away,

                  Yet keep it together,

                  Long distance love,

                  Let's keep it to gether,

                  Long distance love,

                  Keep us together,

                  Long distance love,

                  Keep it together...

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn.

JerryJo Jayweeeeeeee It Won'T Be Long....
Christine I'll love U 4 the rest of my life!

                  (*Main*)U climb out of your bed there,
                  U give JerryJo Jaywweeeeeeee your monster loving
huggers, Run a brush through your hair,
                  U twirl & listin 2 your capachino maker run,
                  Then u stroll &sit yourself down in your chair,
                  For your ritual morning cup of coffee,
                  & check all the work that must be done,
                  U suddenly realize why today,
                  Is going to be a great day,
                  (*Chorus*)& it won't belong,
                  No no it won't be long,
                  JerryJo Jayweeeeeee it won't belong,
                  No no it won't be long, It won't belong,
                  No no it won't be long,
                  & it won't belong,
                  No no it won't be long,
                  Till we earn,
                  New memories for you & me...

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

When My Blues Turn to Christine Brown!

                  (*MAIN*)Your eyez are my window to your soul,
                  There is some kinda strange majik in them girl,
                  Open your flood gates,
                  I'd gladly pay your toll,
                  Christine I'd just swim rite in without taking a breath,
Drown every time you throw me that glance,
                  (*CHORUS*)Christine you know that's the way it is,
Whenever we do the dance,
                  My blues turn brown,
                  Whenever I feel you near for my chance,
                  (*break*)Beautiful melodious feelings sent,
                  Chills run strait up my spine,
                  (*main*)Your shine the finest the most blinding ever
seen, Your way is the all time bestest ever & soon you
will be mine, Whenever I sea you my blues eyes turn
                  Girl you've got your groove turned wayyyyyyyy on, Your
eyes Typhoon Lagoon beach quicksand brown,
                  You ebb & flow in me like lunar tides,
                  (*chorus*)Christine your eyez are my window to soul
time, You know what happens whenever we do that dance,
My blues turn to Christine Brown...

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn.

Locked In This Prison!

                  Locked In This Prison!
                  No one expects a word from me,
                  A Handicapped man straight jacket 4 me,
                  Crippled & challenged by chains & cell walls,
                  40 yrs 2 life that's all they sea,
                  Those normals are sure surprised,
                  When like Houdini I continuously break free,
                  "Carpe diem"By the time I seize the day,
                  Their too late to stop me,
                  I get off on the way u norms treat,
                  I move lightning faster then the speeding bullit,
                  Serpintine them off their feet,
                  I get a big chuckle at the lack of 4 sight,
                  Go ahead waste time feeling sorry "norms",
                  Yes I may move slow as the tortise form,
                  But I'm doin just great,
                  Don't look now, Your in checkmate...

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn.


 By M.H.Colburn. Staff Writer.

 "The Informer Politically Incorrect Private Investigator."

            According to the medical community: "If there is a history of

Disease in your family history or cancer or some other form of

Congenital type problem like an overweight problem, smoking, drinking or

Certain other deficits, you must pay."

For example Lance Armstrong, 7 time Tour de France champion.

Of course baldness & other genetic factors may still have sway.

Those jeans can be fought if you feed your children "clean".  If one is

Already afflicted by the last two factors, that's that.

      There is no way to beat some genetic factors.

              But I am alive and here to write to you that if you want to

 Whip some odds; it can be done as easily as putting on a new set of


     If you get your butt off the couch & move with a vengeance.

Success can be yours.  Like Lance Armstrong you can "LIVE STRONG"

          You look better in your new Levi jeans and you will feel better


Using your past for motivation.

If you have a family history (we all do) of shortcomings. One can use that

As motivation to excel.

                                My family's religion was Jewish & they are
not known

For their physical or dynamic attributes.  Now don't tell that to the Israeli

Military because they are the most dynamic set of hard chargers in the


      My dad had a history of heart problems due to smoking, drinking, and

Partying, not to mention that he was a twin. His attitude was "live fast,

Die young and leave a good looking body."

They both died of similar heart conditions.

                       So I took that fact about him and I used it to
motivate my

 Way through navy seal training, Rock climbing, skydiving, surfing &
living a hard Charging life.


                  SHE'S MY BESTEST FRIEND!
                  IT'S HIGHTIME 4 SUMMERTIME

                  Summertime only sleeps 4 the winter,
                  Then wakes up and wonders why,
                  Slowly opens her weary eyes up on our daze,
                  She sneaks all lazy like the pond water,
                  The red robins goes bob bobin so strong,
                  She moves like January molasses in July,
                  Summertime moves so slow oh yea,
                  We want her to stick around longer now,
                  Springtime lets us know she's almost awake,
                  Fall says she's tripping to a sleep,
                  Everyone flys on home to greet her,
                  (Main)Come out come out like a flower,
                  Shed cloths because of her sunshine,
                  (Chorus)She's hot everythings all good on this end,
Because her sunny sky's sleep enventually,
                  Life's all about moments,
                  Summertime's my bestest friend...

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn.

as posted in braininjury.com

        Submitted by: Liliane Colburne
        Contact Via: unferfrog@chartermi.net

        I am the Mom of Navy Seal Mark Colburn who in 1997 during a sky dive
exercise was struck by another Seal who went through his parachute, tore it
and collided with his head feet first. My son fell 3000 feet to the ground
in a deadly twirl. He was still alive and was transported to a trauma center
in San Diego. He was not supposed to live the night, almost every bone in
his body was broken and he had a severe closed head injury. He was in a coma
for a month and in a vegetative state for four months. We were told that he
had a 5% chance to ever recover. By a miracle he started to respond to
commands slowly and started going to the San Diego rehab center. He had to
relearn how to eat, walk, talk and swallow. He came to live with me and we
started years of rehab. His attitude was incredible, because of his training
as a Seal he put himself into an incredible regimen of exercises. We never
gave up because he never gave up. Today he runs, rides a bike, goes to a gym
every day, he gives speeches on the Seal team and his recovery. He pushes
himself to the limit and I would say that his attitude and the amount of
exercise he does keeps him going, he has a gait when he walks, but not when
he runs, His short term memory has improved 90% but most likely his love of
life keeps him going and makes him the admiration of anyone he comes in
contact with. He is proof that anything is said about head injuries and your
future can be fought with the right attitude and help form a loving family.
        Thank you.

        Liliane Colburn.   

"YOUR IT" (Mom the "it girl")

(*MAIN*) G-C-Am-D 
(*CHORUS*)G-F-Am...Repeats now & again... 
*Main*)Lili Bell today is your day, 
You are the meaning of the word, 
The word is love, 
(*CHORUS*)Mon ange your love, 
Like a mother loves the warm sun, 
Lili Bell your one in a million, 
Mom your love is the only real one, 
(*MAIN*)Today is your day, 
For ever is your trip, 
You taught us love along the way, 
(*CHORUS*)Just like my favorite game of hide & seek, 
Tag your it, 
Your it it it.... 
@2005 GreenRoom music  
by MHC...All rights reserved 


                  WHAT'S THE HAPS GIRL?
                  WHY HIDE?

                  (MAIN) What's the haps girl,
                  You make me wonder if you feel it too,
                  Whatsa goin on with you lil girl,
                  What's a goin on in your lil world,
                  (BREAK) I'm gonna crawl inside your box,
                  So look out lil girl,
                  You keep hiding your box,
                  Keeps me from lookin in,
                  My head is in a spin,
                  Tell me what you sea,
                  What's the haps in your lil world lil girl,
                  (MAIN)I'm all eyes need to go by feel,
                  Like a dream need touch sea if your real,
                  Whats the haps girl,
                  Do you need to get that real too,
                  (CHORUS)What's the haps lil girl,
                  You got your groove on,
                  What's the haps girl...

                  M.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2005 Mark.H. Colburn.

You're In My Future Baby!

                  You're In My Future Baby!

                  So glad you made it,
                  Your runing late,
                  You don't need no money honey,
                  My love is set free to be great,
                  It takes more time to grow old friends these daze,
                  Welcome welcome welcccccommmmmmme,
                  Welcome to your future,
                  You know where you are,
                  Your in the future baby,
                  Welcome back baby,
                  Were aging backwards here,
                  Welcome back baby you'll be going out with a big bang,
                  Your life on video screens now,
                  As I'm sure you'll hear,
                  That's that then,
                  Your in my future baby...

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2004 Mark.H. Colburn. 

And The World Keeps Spinnin!

                      And The World Keeps Spinnin!
> >                   DON'T MAKE NO SOUND!
> >
> >                   (*Main*)G-->walk down 2 C--->back up 2G,
> >                   (*Chorus*)G--Am--F--G--repeats---,
> >                   (*M*)We do what we do,
> >                   We keep on keepin on,
> >                   We alwayz avoid dem blues,We got our silly ways,
> >                   Love's golden ring on that merry go round,
> >                   Saddle on up we gots ta ride,
> >                   Swirl on just keep swirlin love's mad circles,
> >                   That's just what we do,
> >                   (C*)Like the ole carnival merry go round,
> >                   And this world keeps on spinin,
> >                   Expect we do more winnin,
> >                   This is a wild wild world,
> >                   Stop now while I get off,And the world keeps on spinnin,

> >                   (*M*)You just spin your marble eyes,
> >                   Look to the ground & look to the skys,
> >                   Round & round you go,
> >                   This whole ride just turns me on,
> >                   (*C*)Ain't this like the ole carnival merry go round
> >                   And this world just keeps on spinnin...
> >
> >
> >                   Mark.H. Colburn.
> >
> >                   Copyright ©2004 Mark.H. Colburn.

Your Money Mama!

                  MOM HAPPY 77th B-DAY!

                  Quit tryin so hard,

                  your like fine wine,

                  Your money mama & it's all 4 you,

                  Let me make all the tuff moves,

                   Let me get all broke up,

                  Let me push too hard,

                  We're gonna sharpin up our elbows over you,

                  Like a weekend sale at J.C. Penny's,

                  Your money mama,

                  And it's all for you,

                  Like we could ever match up your love for us,

                  Your money baby your money mama wait one let us catch you,

                  Mama your meant 2B,

                  when you opens your eyes you will sea,

                  All about love & that's your story,

                  Your love always sets us free,

                  Remember 2 day is your sui generis day just be,

                  Your money mama & it's all you,

                  When you open those pretty eyes & see,

                  Your money mama happy birthday we'll put the moves on you...

                  TILL YOU FEEL THE LOVE FLOW!

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2004 Mark.H. Colburn. 

Let It Show!

                  The Melody is more important then the Lyrics!

                  (*M* ain*)G--Am--F---C-Am-F-->
                  (*B* reak*)F-walk to Am-*
                  (*C* horus*)F-walk to C-then G-to C-->
                  (*M*)Now my love,
                  If u need 2 know
                  What's on my mind,
                  Just want you to let it show,
                  Let me know,
                  (*B*)Show me some love,
                  U gotta give to get girl,Set me free,
                  Let me go,
                  (*C*)Let it show,
                  Let me know,
                  Let your love show,Set me free darlin,
                  Love will grow,Let love show,
                  There's only u & me till the end of time,
                  Just let your love go,
                  If your love will be mine,
                  Let it show...

                  Mark.H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2004 Mark.H. Colburn. 


MN.H. Colburn. Staff writer 4 "The Informer"

Reeves was a hardcharger in fact he inspired me to keep on hard charging.
As a result of his attitude, I have decieded to devote my life to helping the many folks injured so they cannot use their own bodies to move or take care of themselves.
There is always hope as long as you keep that attitude that Buds (Seal training) gave to me.
I have been on the other side so I know what it's like to be totally incapacitated. I think it is time I devoted my life to helping those that cannot help themselves.
To have a bunch of unknown people take care of your life, to lose total control of your future is not a situation that anyone deserves. "BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD FOLKS"!
However, as bad as it may seem there is always a way to break through to the other side. The worst sin of all is too have the full use of your body & mind & to squander your opprotunities.
I've made it through that wall not once but twice. Now I want to help inspire injured folks to do the same!

Writtin by UNDERFROG (10/11/04 03:42 PM)


Thinking of you!



                  OUTTA NO WHERE!

                  FROM OUT OF THE BLUE!

                  She came from out of seven seas,

                  Made my dark night bright,

                  She brought me up like the sunrise ocean breeze,

                  Her beauty was blinding so unfair to be in this rut,

                  She stole my heart while my eyes wide shut,

                  She burned my retina with her shine,

                  Eyes wide open, wide shut open shut open & my blues eyes wide shut,

                  Most see her as Dawn's early light,

                  This sweet Loretta water girl,

                  Dawn's early light,

                  I won't let this gal slide away,

                  Or else I'm all blues,

                  Loretta really could light up my world,

                  Dark light dark then light now dark blues,

                  Most know her as the ocean's early light,

                  Like a bolt of lightning during fine weather,

                  She came out of nowhere,

                  But I saw her as the girl that got me alright,

                  Loretta was my Dawn,

                   My early light,

                  Rain or shine time sweet ocean breeze Loretta...

                  M. H. Colburn.

                  Copyright ©2004 M. H. Colburn.





  (*Main*) F-Em-Dm-C-Dm-C--> 

  (*CHORUS*) "Talking heads" said that's what they say, 

  Who's "they" anyway, 

  Aren't "they" the ones that make the rules today, 

  (*Main*)Gazing through the window of a department store, 

  Da 6 oclock news talking heads talking back at me, 

  Tons of screens lined up like ducks in a row by the shore, 

  An old man fell in behind & asked me, 

  If I beleived everything I sea, 

  Well seems seaing is believing, 

  There sending were recieving, 

  And ain't the world gettin small, 

  Just look one minute it's Seatle, 

  Next is St. Paul, 

  Funny folks in Japan leave shoes outside the door, 

  All these insane people Can't believe ya'll, 


  Talking heads said that's what "they" say, 

  Who's "they" anyway, 

  Aren't "they" the ones that make the rules today, 

  (*Main*)He replied, 

  Lies lies there all lying, 

  Only alligator tears their crying, 

  Ain't none of it for reels, 

  Never put no one on da moon, 

  They had us kids hiding under school desks, 

  Talking boxes warned bomb scares, 

  How bout those duct tape scares they told us better buy real soon, 

  Lies, lies, lies, 

  Running us kids ragged with their worldly loon, 

  Condition red freak out wmds airborn already on their way, 

  Coulda been sent yeterday, 


  "Talking heads" said that's what "they" say' 

  Who's "they" anyway, 

  Their the ones that make the rules today, 

  (*Main*)A cold wind suddenly blew, 

  All the papers flew, 

  The store turned out da lights, 

  I spun around and he was gone, 

  Stomped out his lit ciggarette, 

  Guess it's time I was gettin on, 

  Cause I got's love waitin for me at home, 

  As I quickend up my pace, 


  "Talking heads" said That's what they say, 

  Who's they anyway, 

  Their the ones that make their rules today, 

  (*Main song*) 

  I noticed a reflection wearin that ole thinkin face, 

  That dude looks like, 

  He never felt so all alone... 

  M.H. COLBURN. @Col. Burnin music BMI & ASCAP. 


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